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Catch - all regulation and its contents Even though South Korea was a white country, I could not understand its meaning.

2021-07-10  Category:South Korea

Catch - all regulation and its contents Even though South Korea was a white country, I could not understand its meaning.

Photo by Gazouya-japan (licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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国際政治・外交ランキング にほんブログ村 政治ブログ 国際政治・外交へ

Export control of conventional weapons

The Wassenaar Arrangement is an international agreement regarding the export control of conventional weapons, with which 42 countries, including Japan and South Korea, have concluded an agreement. Based on this premise, Japan will introduce catch-all regulations, and will notify the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry and receive permission when exporting cargo or providing technology that may be used for the development of weapons of mass destruction or conventional weapons. I made it mandatory.

  1. Group A: 26 countries (white countries)
  2. Group B: 6 countries (including South Korea)
  3. Group C: countries that do not fall under A, B, or D
  4. Group D: countries under the UN arms embargo ・Countries of concern designated by regions and exporting countries

Determined at the discretion of the exporting country

The above framework is determined at the discretion of the exporting country from the standpoint of national security. For this reason, Japan is constantly calling for a "review of export control operations." South Korea claims that Japan imposed export controls this time, but Japan has simply reviewed its operations, and as long as the prescribed procedures are followed, exports will continue as before. It's been two years and I still don't understand this. On the other hand, if we were a white country without understanding this basic thing, it would be even more frightening. Do they think they were put in Group D? Group D is currently subject to export restrictions from Japan.

Group D consists of 11 countries, including Afghanistan, Central Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, and Iran, a country of concern.