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Japan is supported and trusted in Asia, which experienced the Age of Discovery, the transformation of the world, and the Japanese colony.

2021-10-25  Category:Asia

Japan is supported and trusted in Asia, which experienced the Age of Discovery, the transformation of the world, and the Japanese colony.

Photo by Fernão Vaz Dourado (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Japanese colonies not enslaved

The history of the world has changed drastically in the Age of Discovery. Asia was colonized one after another, exploited and treated like slaves. This is a relative view, compared to Europeans. Although it was colonized, it developed economically and life improved not a little. This is a real feeling of Asian countries. The reason why Japan is supported by Asian countries is that Japan did not enslave Asians and that it did everything necessary to build a modern nation with the power of its own people. I was educated about it. As a result, after the end of the war, Asian nations resisted the re-invasion of the West and became independent nations one after another. Asian countries colonized by Europe do not request an apology from Europe, nor do they make a request to Japan. This is the difference between whether or not you feel that you are moving forward, and whether or not you have a sense of ownership.