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Will the democracy summit begin the unity of democratic countries? Human rights cannot be protected within the United Nations framework.

2021-12-09  Category:Democracy

Will the democracy summit begin the unity of democratic countries? Human rights cannot be protected within the United Nations framework.

Photo by U.S. Department of State (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Taiwanese representative looking forward to participating in the Democracy Summit

The Democracy Summit, which brings together the leaders of 110 countries and regions, will be held online for two days starting today, the 9th. Taiwan has also been invited. China and Russia, who were not invited, appear to be angry.

Even though it says Democracy Summit. In an interview with NHK, Mei-qin Hsiao, director of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States, a representative agency of the Taiwanese authorities in Washington, said in an interview with NHK, ``By participating in the summit, we will be able to widely share Taiwan's experience of successful democracy.

China continues to promote the claim that democracy is unsuitable for Asian countries and Hong Kong, but Taiwan has proven it wrong." The continued existence of the United Nations is extremely important for the peace and stability of the Indo-Pacific region.

It is in the interest of all democracies,” she said, appealing to the international community for support.


Taiwan's participation is very important. Taiwan may be the country in the international community that most seeks democratic cooperation.

Does the acquired United Nations have any significance in its existence?

Although some people question the results of bringing together 110 countries and regions with different interests, such efforts are extremely important and should be carried out on a regular basis.

The United Nations is a contradictory organization that upholds democratic ideals but has China and Russia as permanent members, and this contradiction continues to be exposed.

China will continue to use the United Nations to exclude Taiwan from the international community.

It is said that the Cold War is back.

Ironically, during the Cold War era, there were fewer conflicts and wars around the world due to the tense confrontation between democratic and socialist countries.

After the end of the Cold War, democratic countries became fragmented and pursued their own interests, which is ironic, but it is undeniable that this created an opening for China to take advantage of.

If there are criticisms that it is a Chinese encirclement network, that is correct. I think democracies need to come together again under the banner of democracy.

The establishment of international organizations by democratic countries is expected.


It doesn't have to be the United Nations. This may seem like a far-fetched idea, but what kind of international organization should we create in order for human rights awareness to take hold throughout the world?