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Yukichi Takamine, who dramatically increased agricultural production due to the development of artificial fertilizers, is a secret achievement in Korea.

2022-02-18  Category:modernization

Yukichi Takamine, who dramatically increased agricultural production due to the development of artificial fertilizers, is a secret achievement in Korea.

Photo by Namazu-tron (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Crystalline extraction of adrenaline

Takamine Yoichi was a successful person who discovered Takadia and extracted adrenaline crystals.Takadiastase which Takamine found is a digestive enzyme, and adrenaline is used as an anaphylactic shock treatment, booster, and hemostatic agent.

He studied in England for three years from 1880, aiming to develop chemical technologies for the development of agriculture.When he returned to Korea, he worked for the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, but the development of agriculture is not about agriculture, but about industrial development."The Meiji government allowed Gobong to do so and granted Gobong the right to do research.

Artificial fertilizer with a dramatic increase in yield

Gobong has studied artificial fertilizers and developed fertilizers that yield four or six times as much.In addition, he obtained patents for Japanese sake from various countries and developed a method of cultivating a large amount of Japanese sake using artificial fertilizer.

Revolutionized American Whiskey

American whiskey giant Trust is interested in Japanese malt and sake brewing methods and asks Takamine to visit the U.S.It's wonderful if the participating Americans drink the liquid in the test tube held by Takamine, who went to the U.S. in 1890!I can't believe it! There was a cry.Until then, malt whisky had completed its six-day brewing, but Takamine completed only in 48 hours.

Korea not teaching achievements of modernization of Japan

During the Japanese colonial era, agricultural development on the Korean Peninsula also used artificial fertilizer.The yield of agriculture has increased dramatically.This is one of the technologies that saved the Korean Peninsula from food shortages.Even if you do the No Japan movement, you should teach your children these things.You should teach children about all of them and do the No Japan movement.


The Korean Peninsula escaped hunger thanks to Japan's modernization.They don't teach children about any achievements of Japan in Korea.