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The Southwest War is said to have been the subject of

2022-01-21  Category:modernization

The Southwest War is said to have been the subject of

Photo by Saitou Hajime (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Warlords painted in the Last Samurai

The movie "LAST SAMURAI" is so famous in Japan that I remember the Southwest War.As a leading figure in the Meiji Restoration, Saigo Takamori formed the Satsuma-Chou Alliance and led the imperial army to victory in the Boshin War.Satsuma's samurai families took important posts in the new government and rushed into the Meiji Restoration.

Abolition of the theory of conquest of Korea

It was the theory of conquest of Korea that distinguished the light from the dark.Saigo Takamori, a militant activist on the Korean Peninsula, was on the verge of starting the war while a government official went to Britain.As a result, Hirobumi Ito, who returned from England, made a strange plan, and Emperor Meiji issued an Imperial decree, and the theory of conquest of Korea was abolished .

Cracks in Satsuma and Chou due to the Six Years Revolution

Due to this incident called the Meiji 6 political upheaval, half of the councilors, including Takamori Saigo, resigned, and about 600 military and bureaucrats resigned.It is reported that Saigo Takamori could not abandon the samurai who lost his job after the Meiji Restoration.What followed was the Southwest War.6,403 government soldiers were killed and 6,765 Saigo troops were killed.In terms of population, Saigo's army was severely damaged and the government's army won.

Director Edward Zwick, who co-written the script for "LAST SAMURAI," expressed his influence on Ivan Morris's "The Noble Defeat" Chapter 9 Takamori Saigo.


Takamori Saigo could not abandon the remaining samurai, so he advocated the conquest of Korea.It is said that the statue of Takamori Saigo stood in Ueno, not near the Imperial Palace, becouse of the Southwest War.