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Montesquieu's understanding of race - Compare the words of the man who advocated separation of powers with the Greater East Asia Joint Declaration.

2023-09-28  Category:Asia

Montesquieu's understanding of race - Compare the words of the man who advocated separation of powers with the Greater East Asia Joint Declaration.

Photo by Jacques-Antoine Dassier (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Recognition of Montesquieu who advocated separation of powers

"The people in question are completely black from head to toe. And they have such flat noses that it's almost impossible to sympathize with them. They are extremely intelligent beings. I cannot agree with the idea that God could have placed a soul, a good soul, in such a pitch-black body."

"Proof that the Negro has no common sense is shown in the fact that he prizes glass necklaces more than gold, which is of such great importance among civilized nations. It is impossible to assume that they are human beings, because the more we assume that they are human, the more people will begin to think that we ourselves are not Christians. Because I’m deaf.”

The following is a joint declaration made at the Greater East Asia Conference held by Japan to unite the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

Greater East Asia Joint Declaration

In the first place, the basis of establishing world peace is for each country in the world to find its own place, rely on and help each other, and share the joy of prospering together.
However, for the sake of their own prosperity, the United States and Britain oppress other countries and peoples, and in particular they relentlessly invade and exploit Greater East Asia, exposing their ambition to enslave Greater East Asia. , and finally tried to fundamentally overturn the stability of Greater East Asia. This is the cause of the Greater East Asia War.
The countries of Greater East Asia will cooperate with each other to fight through the Greater East Asia War, liberate the countries of Greater East Asia from the shackles of the United States and Britain, ensure their self-existence, and support the Greater East Asia based on the following platform. We hope that this will contribute to the establishment of world peace.
  1. The countries of Greater East Asia will work together to ensure stability in Greater East Asia and build an order of coexistence and mutual prosperity based on morality.
  2. The countries of Greater East Asia respect each other's independence and independence, and cooperate with each other to establish friendship in Greater East Asia.
  3. The countries of Greater East Asia will mutually respect their traditions, develop the creativity of each ethnic group, and enhance the culture of Greater East Asia.
  4. The countries of Greater East Asia will work together closely on a mutually beneficial basis to develop their economies and increase the prosperity of Greater East Asia.
  5. The countries of Greater East Asia will deepen exchanges with all countries, eliminate racial discrimination, widely exchange cultures, and willingly release their resources, thereby contributing to the development of the world.


ホセ・ラウレル、チャンドラ・ボース Unknown author (licenced under CC0 1.0)

What much of the world misunderstands

If there are people who think that democracy has eliminated racial discrimination and that we should follow the example of white countries, that is a completely wrong historical understanding. Fierce resistance by people of color, mainly in Japan, brought an end to colonialism, and the international community then moved toward the elimination of racial discrimination. This is the truth.

First Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination in 1965

In 1960, the United Nations adopted a declaration granting independence to the colonies, and the United Nations adopted the Act on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination for the first time in 1965 as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Japan was the first country in human history to submit a bill to the international community to eliminate racial discrimination, and that was in 1919.