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If you look at the Americas, you can understand what Asia was like at the time - an Asia that was in the grip of Western colonial policy on a global scale.

2021-11-03  Category:Asia

If you look at the Americas, you can understand what Asia was like at the time  -  an Asia that was in the grip of Western colonial policy on a global scale.

Photo by Unknown author (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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The American continent is a microcosm of colonial rule

If we look at the Americas today, we can see the colonial policies of the time and then Asia. Are there any native countries in the Americas?

North America is mainly England, France, and the Netherlands. South America includes Spain and Portugal. The countries that currently exist in the Americas were countries that were able to go to sea during the Age of Discovery.

Economic disparity with countries that cannot go to sea

Were there any German or Italian colonies in the Americas? They cannot reach the Atlantic Ocean unless they pass through other countries' waters. Because its ports were frozen in the winter, Russia built the Trans-Siberian Railway on the continent and headed toward a colonial policy in Northeast Asia.

The terminus of the Trans-Siberian Railway is Vladivostok, just a stone's throw from the Korean Peninsula. If we look at the composition of World War II in Europe, we can see that it was a war between countries pursuing colonial policies and other countries. In other words, the economic disparity created by colonial policy is at the root of the problem.


The dominant ethnic groups in the Americas include the British, French, Dutch, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Prewar Asia was in the same network

What if we look at Asia? Similarly, it was a colony of England, Spain, the Netherlands, France, and Portugal. Asia achieved independence one after another after the end of the war, so the Americas and Asia are in different environments, but if we look at their history, they were both part of the same web of colonial policy.

The Japan-Germany-Italy Tripartite Pact is a non-interference pact that states that neither side will interfere in wars in Europe between Germany and Italy, and wars in Asia between Japan and Japan. Japan had a common interest in the war to eliminate white colonies from Asia.

Germany and Italy, which were lagging behind in colonial policy, waged war in Europe, and Japan fought against white colonial rule in Asia.


If you look at the colonial policies in Asia during World War II, you can see the same faces as those in the current white homelands of the Americas.