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Heartwarming support from the Taiwan Foundation to help victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

2022-01-23  Category:Taiwan

Heartwarming support from the Taiwan Foundation to help victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Photo by Allen Timothy Chang (licensed under CC BY 2.5)

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Taiwan Foundation to help victims.

Taiwan donated more than 25 billion yen to the Great East Japan Earthquake.This is the largest in the world.March 16, five days after the earthquake.A group of people wearing white pants, white hats, and navy blue jackets arrived in Oarai, Ibaraki Prefecture.

The organization is a Japanese branch of the Buddhist Foundation for Charity in Zhugei, Taiwan, and is a Buddhist charity founded in 1966 by the Taiwanese nun Master Sheng Yuan.Although it is a group centered on nuns, many men and women of all ages participate in volunteer activities.

Before dawn, they left Tokyo for Oarai-cho, Iwate-ken Ofunato, Rikuzentakata, Miyagi-ken Ishinomaki, Kesennuma, and other severely damaged places to cook curry rice, fried beef, pork soup, and miso soup.There are few people in Tohoku who don't know about the help, but there were few media reports.

Distributing cash directly to victims.

This is not the only relief aid for the disaster-stricken area.They distributed cash directly to the victims.Local residents came to government offices, community centers, and assembly halls, and gave 50,000 to 70,000 yen per household and 20,000 yen to people living alone.I heard that they worked with local government offices to make sure there was no omission in distribution.

The applicant said, "Taiwan Buddhist organizations distribute cash, so representatives of each household are asked to gather at the community center.My father went to my house, but I got 50,000 yen just by checking the household list.It was a heartwarming event in a state of uncertainty.That money gave us peace of mind," he said with tears in his eyes.

Two months after the earthquake, Taiwan's Ministry of Transportation and Tourism provided free support for 1,000 victims from Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima Prefectures to Taiwan for six months from May 2011.In addition, Taiwan was the first country to send tourists to the Northeast after the earthquake.Support from Taiwan continued in reconstruction and construction after the earthquake.

Quote: DIAMOND online


Support from Taiwan was huge through the Japanese Red Cross, but private support was sent many times as much to the disaster-stricken area.

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