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Yoichi Hatta has achieved great achievements in Taiwan. Taiwan still grateful.

2020-07-07  Category:Taiwan

Yoichi Hatta has achieved great achievements in Taiwan. Taiwan still grateful.

Photo by 總統府 (licensed under CC BY 2.0)

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Yoichi Hatta developed Taiwan as the Governor-General of Taiwan. The most famous is the paddy field development in the Kanan Plain. The vast plains were often drought due to inadequate irrigation facilities. He did Tam construction and waterway development there. The total distance of the waterways he created exceeds the total distance of the Great Wall of China.

When the Great Kanto Earthquake struck Japan and financial cuts from Japan became unavoidable, Hatta was worried about him and announced the dismissal of personnel. They were Taiwanese who thought they would be fired, but the people who were fired were Japanese. When a Taiwanese worker asked Hatta why, Hatta replied, "I'm making farmland for Taiwanese. It doesn't make sense unless it's made by Taiwanese." Agricultural land development has been successful, and it seems that delicious rice can still be obtained.

In response to the request to build a statue in praise of Hatta's contribution, Hatta refused, but he was requested again and said, "I don't like the statue standing in a big way." Therefore, the statue of Hatta was sitting, and it became the statue that Taiwanese at that time often saw and thought of.

President Lee Teng-hui visited Kanazawa, the hometown of Hatta.

President Chen Shui-bian issued a reward to Hatta.

President Ma Ying-jeou participated in Hatta's memorial service at Wushantou Dam.

Hatta's wife, Sodaiki, was also awarded, and a statue was erected in Hatta Yoichi Memorial Park.