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Will Miss. Chou Ting's message reach Taiwanese youth? - What is the ripple effect of his declaration of asylum in Canada?

2024-01-03  Category:Taiwan

Will Miss. Chou Ting's message reach Taiwanese youth?  -  What is the ripple effect of his declaration of asylum in Canada?

Photo by 美國之音湯惠芸拍攝 (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Miss. Chou Ting intends to seek asylum in Canada

After Miss. Chou Ting announced his intention to seek asylum in Canada, Hong Kong police said they would do everything in their power to arrest him since the December 29 deadline for his return to the country had passed. Mr. Shuba also mentioned the existence of secret police and the danger of being targeted by spies. He went to Canada to study abroad in September 2023.

One of the leaders of the Hong Kong protests

The Hong Kong protests are said to have been triggered by China's National People's Congress's decision in 2014 to restrict the number of candidates for the post of chief executive of Hong Kong. At this time, a large demonstration occurred and was also called the Umbrella Movement. Since then, demonstrations against the enactment of the Fugitive Offenders Act and the National Security Act have continued to grow in scale and have been reported around the world. Mr. Shutei is considered to be one of the central figures.

Collapse of one country, two systems

The enactment of these laws will be seen as a de facto collapse of one country, two systems, and investment in Hong Kong from various countries will be withdrawn one after another, accelerating China's current isolation. Mr. Shuba was subsequently arrested and detained, but the charges were relatively light and he was sentenced to 10 months in prison, although he was actually released after about 6 months.

A placating measure by the Chinese government?

It appeared to be an attempt by the Chinese government to suppress the demonstrations and appease the ringleaders. I wonder if it means that they don't want to provoke the students any more, or they don't want to provoke other countries, but what happened after that was Mr. Shuba's study abroad. I was honestly surprised by this as well. I wonder if a person who incited the people and caused a large-scale demonstration in China could study abroad.This seems like a placating measure, but I imagine that Taiwan could be an extension of this.


Okstartnow (licenced under CC0 1.0)

Hong Kong protests spread to Taiwan

It is said that students from the Sunflower Movement in Taiwan taught Hong Kong students how to demonstrate. This led to large-scale demonstrations in Hong Kong, and the enthusiasm returned to Taiwan, leading to a dramatic come-from-behind victory in Taiwan's presidential election in 2017 for Tsai Ing-wen, who was said to be at a disadvantage. Taiwan will become the next Hong Kong. The younger generation's sense of crisis about the end of Taiwan's democracy had a major impact on electoral behavior. If the spark was smoldering in Hong Kong, it could once again influence Taiwan's elections. On the other hand, the fact that Mr. Zhou Ting is able to study abroad in Canada freely could be used to appeal to young Taiwanese people.

News coming back to Taiwan

This is a de facto declaration of asylum at this timing. The timing of the Taiwan presidential election was probably decided to be at the end of this year because it was held on December 3rd, Miss. Chou Ting's birthday, and the deadline for returning to Japan was December 29th. is January 13, 2024. If the Chinese government had been aiming for a placating policy, the message that Mr. Zhouting's life was in danger was the complete opposite, and the news was sure to reach Taiwan as well. The goddess of democracy is alive and well.