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It is said that Japan occupaied the Korean Peninsula as an important location.Which country is not an important place?

2022-01-22  Category:Taiwan

It is said that Japan occupaied the Korean Peninsula as an important location.Which country is not an important place?

Photo by Central Intelligence Agency (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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What exactly is a key location?

If Japan claims that the Korean Peninsula was independent due to the Quins-Japanese War, Japan may have gained independence from the Korean Peninsula, but the Korean people objected that it was only a key location.It's amazing to hear this all the time.I think every country is an important point of some country, but is it different?Supporting independence as an important point is also taking place in the world today.What are the problems in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Myanmar?

Even if there is a common denominator of democracy, the military elements are indivisible.On the contrary, if there are no military factors, will other countries strengthen their armed forces?During the Great East Asian War, Japan considered all Asian countries important and expelled white countries for Asian independence.Asian countries are weak, but they want to unite and escape white rule.Are you saying you've used all of this?

Taiwan is trying to become independent to protect ideology

If China suddenly invades Taiwan, the United States may send U.S. troops to defend Taiwan.Then there will be war.What would happen if the U.S. had killed its own people and defended Taiwan, but Taiwan's internal forces had betrayed Tsai Ing-wen's forces and approached China?The United States may abandon Taiwan or rule it.President Tsai understands the interests of each country and tries to stick to the ideology of democracy, regardless of whether it is an important place or not.


Korea, which is independent but has a backward democratic ideology, is in stark contrast to Taiwan, which is trying to protect democracy and become independent.