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South Korea, which tries to equate the Rising Sun flag with Hakenkreuz, is completely unaware of its history and meaning.

2022-12-01  Category:Japanese culture

South Korea, which tries to equate the Rising Sun flag with Hakenkreuz, is completely unaware of its history and meaning.

Photo by Imperial court in Kyoto (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Kimigayo is a tanka poem that appears in Kokin Wakashu.

Japan's national anthem, ``Kimigayo,'' is based on an unknown tanka that was published in the Kokin Wakashu of the Heian period. It's a song whose author is unknown. In the Kokin Wakashu, it says, ``My lord will ripple through a thousand and eight thousand generations until he becomes a rock of stone and becomes a child of moss.'' Who this ``my lord'' refers to is a hot topic, but the original meaning of this poem is ``You... It means "May you live a long and healthy life forever."

A celebratory song that has been popular among folk for a long time.

This song has been sung during birthdays, weddings, and celebrations of life milestones throughout Japan's long history. After the Meiji Restoration, it was put to music and performed as a song wishing for the long life of the Emperor. In other words, this era was the song of the Meiji Restoration. After that, Japan entered the war, and some forces denounce this as a symbol of militarism, but it only describes Japan for a short period of time in its long history.

The rising sun flag is a symbol of the sun

A similar story can be said about the Rising Sun flag. There are various theories about the design of the Rising Sun flag, but one theory is that it is a legend that Amaterasu Omikami, the sun god, came out of a rock and the sun returned to this world. The legend of Iwato dates back to the time of the first Emperor Jinmu. In this way, the rising sun pattern has been used for various celebrations since ancient times in Japan, and when Japan entered World War II, it was adopted as the flag of the Japanese military. In other words, it is merely an explanation of Japan for a short period of time.

Hakenkreuz is the Nazi party flag

Considering this timeline, the Hakenkreuz was first the party flag of the Nazi Party, which then became the national flag. The reason why the swastika was adopted as the flag of the Nazi Party is that the swastika, which was painted on the ruins of Troy, was thought to be a symbol of the Aryan race and was adopted.

Germanism and Hakenkreuz

In other words, the national symbol associated with the idea of a chosen people coincided with the thinking of the Nazi Party, which advocated the principle of Germanic first, and became a symbol of the genocide of the Jews. In other words, this flag was adopted based on the consistent ideology of the chosen people.

Please tell Professor Seo Kyung-deok, who has never studied history, a little bit.