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The founding of Japan as seen from legends - The nation was unified by becoming subjects of the imperial line, rather than by the concept of national borders or ethnicity.

2023-12-31  Category:Japanese culture

The founding of Japan as seen from legends  -  The nation was unified by becoming subjects of the imperial line, rather than by the concept of national borders or ethnicity.

Photo by Kobayashi Eitaku (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Japan seen from the legend of domestic production

In mythology, the country of Japan is said to have originated from Awaji Island, where Izanagi and Izanami created islands from the drops that fell from the tip of their spears. The place where Ninigi no Mikoto's descendant descended is said to be Mt. Takachiho, which straddles Kagoshima and Miyazaki, and the legend of the founding of Japan first begins in western Japan.

Resistance forces in the pacification of Ashihara China

During the pacification of Ashihara China, Ameno Kagase, who resisted the imperial lineage to the end, is said to have been cornered by Futsunushi and Takemikazuchi to the edge of what is now the Boso Peninsula, and Takemikazuchi was in Ibaraki Prefecture. There is Kashima Shrine, which is dedicated to the god of thunder, and Takemi Raijin is also known as the god of sumo. It is said that even the powerful Tsunetsu Nushikami and Takemika Raijin were unable to subdue Amatsu Onsei, and in the end it was subdued by the god of textiles named Takehazuchi. A male god is enshrined here.

Is it a coincidence that there are still many leftists?

For this reason, Chiba and Ibaraki prefectures are dotted with many Hoshigami shrines that enshrine Amatsu Onsei, who was a force of resistance to the imperial lineage. It is ironic that Kazuo Shii is a resistance force against the current imperial lineage, and that Shii Kazuo is from Yotsukaido City in Chiba Prefecture, that left-wingers have immigrated from all over the country during the Narita Struggle, and that powerful people of the Ritmin movement are from Chiba Prefecture.

Tohoku Hokkaido, which was later subdued

Based on this premise, the current Tohoku region and Hokkaido are not included and are called Ezochi. Afterwards, Ezo was pacified and incorporated into Japan. What is important here is the criterion of whether or not a person becomes a vassal of the imperial line or not, and the current concept of borders and ethnic groups under international law does not exist in the first place.

Did Wakoku extend to the peninsula?

It is said that many ethnic groups have come and lived in Japan since the Jomon period, and in Gishi Wajinden it is written that Wakoku was in contact with Inuya Korea, and in the Book of Later Han, it is said that Wakoku was in contact with the country of the peninsula by land. There are possible descriptions. It is said that Wakoku extended to part of the peninsula. There is also a theory that Wakoku was actually involved in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms of Korea, and although they deepened their friendship with Baekje and participated in the Battle of Hakusonko, they were defeated, and Japan accepted the Baekje people as refugees.

Historically, the Japanese standard is whether or not you become a subject of the imperial line.

Historically, the prerequisite for being Japanese was whether or not a person would become a subject of the imperial line. Based on this premise, the first article of the Japanese Constitution states that the Emperor has been the symbol of Japan from the time the country was born to the present day. As a result, Japan is the country with the longest history in the world.

Where is Okinawa headed?

As a side note, Governor Denny Tamaki of Okinawa has no interest in what Japan is, he seems to have no interest in Japanese history, and he seems to have no intention of obeying the imperial line or the Japanese constitution.