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The Korean - Urinara origin theory, which always obstructs Japan's registration of cultural properties, is due to a cultural desert that does not know the meaning of culture.

2022-06-22  Category:Japanese culture

The Korean - Urinara origin theory, which always obstructs Japan's registration of cultural properties, is due to a cultural desert that does not know the meaning of culture.

Photo by UFshio (licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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South Korea always obstructs Japanese cultural property registration

Japanese washi paper was registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2014. A problem arose at this time. They claimed that the paper-making method came from the Korean peninsula to Japan, so it belonged to Korea, they went around promoting Japan as a thief nation, and they carried out activities to prevent Japan from being registered as a cultural culture. .

The origin of Japanese paper dates back to China. The manufacturing method and quality of washi paper have evolved uniquely in Japan. It goes without saying that UNESCO registered Japanese washi paper in accordance with international common sense.

Karate originated from karate, which was introduced from China

Karate is a Japanese martial art. The Chinese martial art was transmitted from China to Okinawa as karate, and in Japan it evolved in its own way and became a form of karate. This is a story that many Japanese people know. Conversely, karate does not exist in China. This is because China is developing Chinese martial arts.

California roll is American sushi

There is a type of sushi in America called the California roll. It's a sushi roll made with avocado and mayonnaise. There are probably few Japanese people who think of that as sushi. Even if California Roll were to be registered as an intangible cultural heritage, I don't think there would be any Japanese people who would complain. I would rather support it.


Korea claims that Japanese culture originated in Korea. Other traditions such as samurai, geisha, tea ceremony, and judo are also said to have originated in Korea.

Gracie family, the strongest jiu-jitsu family

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the practice of the Gracie family, who studied and developed Japanese Jiu-Jitsu. However, I have never seen a Japanese person claim that Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is Japanese. That belongs to the Gracie family.

South Korea infuriates Thais

South Korea infuriated Thais by claiming that Muay Thai in Thailand also originated from South Korea. Thai people are an ethnic group that historically lived in southern China, and we imagine that they are the origin of Chinese martial arts and Indian martial arts (there are no concrete records). However, Muay Thai is neither a Chinese nor an Indian martial art. Muay Thai is a Thai martial art and the national sport of Thailand.

Korea doesn't know the meaning of culture

In order for a culture to develop, it is necessary at least to have the imagination to imagine how many people, how much time and effort it took to develop it and establish it as the culture of that country.

This is a matter of understanding and respecting culture and tradition. In fact, because they lack such effort and experience, South Korea seems to easily claim that other countries' cultures are of their own origin.


When Koreans became enraged over China's claim that kimchi originated from Chinese foam cabbage, it sparked a controversy and was ridiculed by China as a sign of a cultural complex.