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The Rose of Versailles is a Japanese work that was a big hit in Western Europe - Lady Oscar in France.

2022-08-20  Category:Japanese culture

The Rose of Versailles is a Japanese work that was a big hit in Western Europe  -  Lady Oscar in France.

Photo by Claudio Marinangeli (licensed under CC BY 2.0)

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Beautiful Oscar in men's clothes

The Rose of Versailles is a manga that was serialized from 1972 to 1973. It was adapted into a stage play by the Takarazuka Revue Company and became a big hit, attracting attention and being made into an anime. The story takes place on the eve of the French Revolution. The main character, Oscar, is a woman, and as a beautiful woman dressed as a man, she is beautiful and strong, and is as good as any man. She later serves as the commander of Marie Antoinette's bodyguard when she is executed.

A fictional story that doesn't exist

This is a work that frankly depicts his relationship with Andre, a man who is in love with Oscar, and his personal and romantic relationship with Marie Antoinette, who is protected by Oscar. What is surprising is that the main characters Oscar and Andre in the worldview of this magnificent work do not actually exist.

The Rose of Versailles became very popular in Europe

As you know, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were publicly executed by guillotine during the French Revolution. In other words, this work depicts the French royal family, who were the enemy of the people at the time. The animated work has been broadcast in Europe and is extremely popular. Of course, it was also very popular in France.

This work was created by Japan, an island nation in the East that has little cultural or historical contact with the West. On the other hand, if a Westerner created a work depicting the Edo period, would it be appealing to Japanese people?

The royal family that existed as an axis of opposition to democracy

The French Revolution was a major event that transformed France into democracy, and had the energy to change world history. In that sense, the French royal family at the time could be said to be war criminals in World War II and Hitler in Germany.

Japanese culture focuses on the enemy

Steven Spielberg's ``Schindler's List'' is a work that depicts the human condition from the perspective of Hitler and the Nazis. In other words, The Rose of Versailles can be said to be a magnificent piece of work that shines a spotlight on what is considered evil in history.

Former President Moon Jae-in says South Korea started the French Revolution

Why don't the Korean people, who have the highest human rights consciousness in the world, condemn works such as Schindler's List and The Rose of Versailles? The Korean people who are familiar with the Nazis and Jews should be educating the people of the world. Former President Moon Jae-in told former President Macron that ``Korea started the French Revolution'' regarding the impeachment of Park Geun-hye.