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North Korea launched its third missile test this year on the 14th, the missile falled outside Japan's EEZ.

2022-01-15  Category:North Korea

North Korea launched its third missile test this year on the 14th, the missile falled outside Japan's EEZ.

Photo by TSGT James Mossman (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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North Korea does not stop missile tests

Yesterday, the 14th, North Korea conducted its third missile test of this year. This ballistic missile appears to have flown approximately 400km and landedoutside Japan's EEZ. North Korea has frequently carried out provocations this year. The move is seen as retaliation for sanctions imposed by the United States on the 12th. Why doesn't North Korea stop its missile tests in the first place?

It is said that one in five people in North Korea is a military member. It is an army that protects the Kim dynasty. Kim Jong-un says the missiles are for the country's self-defense, but in reality they are nothing more than an army under a dictatorship. North Korea continues to suffer from chronic food and resource shortages. Even if the people starve to death, a large amount of national funds will be spent on missile development. It is easy to notice this contradiction when you consider how many people will be saved by the cost of missile development.

Military personnel do not engage in production activities

One in five people, or 20% of the population, are not engaged in production-related industries. If there is no war, the main jobs of military personnel are training and security. In other words, the remaining 80% will be the labor force that supports North Korea's GDP. 20% of the poor people are not engaged in production. Most of the North Korean soldiers are said to be malnourished. A North Korean soldier who escaped from Panmunjom to South Korea was shot multiple times from behind by North Korean soldiers and underwent surgery in South Korea, where a large number of parasites were discovered in his intestines. .

North Korea's economy is no longer at a level where it can run a country, and its soldiers do not have the stamina to carry out operations. This led to the development of low-cost nuclear missiles. No matter how many soldiers they feed, they no longer have the ability to conduct land battles.


North Korea will not stop nuclear missile tests for these reasons. There is no longer an option for the military to protect the country by stopping nuclear missiles.