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A sports festival that destroyed North Korea.Mayday Stadium was built at this time.

2022-02-11  Category:North Korea

A sports festival that destroyed North Korea.Mayday Stadium was built at this time.

Photo by Christophe95 (licensed under CC BY 4.0)

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North Korea hopes to host the Olympics

One of the reasons why the North Korean economy has fallen into the abyss is the 13th World Youth Student Festival.North Korea is also planning to host the Olympics in Seoul, but Samaranch, the president of the IOC, visited Pyongyang and returned home saying, anyway we will consider some opportunity but I don't know when.

First confrontation between parents and children over the festival

The World Youth Student Festival is a sports, culture and art festival held in socialist countries.This was the first time that parent and children had clashed head-on over Kim Jong Il's proposal to hold other sports festival event against the hosting of the Korean Olympic Games.As a result, the decision was made in the process of transferring power to his son, Kim Jong Il.

It was a sports festival that ruined North Korea

The May Day Stadium (now a stadium where mass games and missile exhibitions are held) and hotels have been built, attracting 12,000 people from other countries for free.Most of North Korea's GNP was invested in the event.The huge state-funded festival put the country's finances in jeopardy.Since then, North Korea's domestic distribution has stopped, causing a large number of people to starve to death.

Hamgyeongnam-do, which earned 60 to 70 percent of North Korea's foreign currency at that time.It is said that the first people to starve to death were those who worked in a mine in Hamgyeongnam-do.


North Korea's country's huge tilt was due to the huge investment in the sports festival.It was a product of ostentatiousness against Korea.
