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Tamogami Military Force Analys

2021-06-29  Category:military

Tamogami Military Force Analys

Photo by Independent2jiro (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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In 2009, Tamogami, a former Air Force chief of staff of the Self-Defense Forces, said, "If nuclear weapons are excluded, Japan will be superior to China's combat capabilities."At that time, China was already the world's second-largest military force.Tamogami said, "The combat capability should be determined by the training, training, weapons status, and maintenance of fighter jets and tanks."

In soccer, 11-11 is the same, but there is a big difference between victory and defeat.In the high-performance Formula One race, the proficiency of the driver and the ability of the pit staff determine victory or defeat.Military costs include personnel costs for soldiers, so if a large number of people fail to train or maintain weapons, they will become weak troops.

Historically, China has been vulnerable to war.The overwhelming majority of the Han people have been ruled by different races.After reunification, the only thing China did was to oppress and rule other minorities.These include Uighur and Tibet.

In the recent clashes between India and China in Kashmir, China immediately reached a settlement.In 2020, India's military spending will be less than 30 percent of China's.The increase in Indian troops to the Kashmir region may reveal China's true colors.