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Will joining NATO strengthen Japan's security? - World strategy drawn up by former Prime Minister Abe.

2023-12-24  Category:military

Will joining NATO strengthen Japan's security?  -  World strategy drawn up by former Prime Minister Abe.

Photo by Unknown (licensed under CC BY CC0)

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No country wants to go to war with NATO.

As soon as we hear the mention of joining NATO, we hear some reluctance, but NATO is the most solid security system in the world, and none of the 30 member countries has ever been attacked by another country since its inception. Since NATO has most of the world's firepower, no country can argue with this military alliance.

GDP 2% is referenced as NATO level

There is no doubt that former Prime Minister Abe was making plans for NATO membership behind the scenes. For this purpose, the Act on the Protection of Specified Secrets and the acceptance of the exercise of the right of collective self-defense, etc. Assuming this, the NATO level of GDP will be 2%. If we consider 2% to be double the current amount, it would become a country that spends more on military spending than Russia every year.

Breaking away from dependence on the United States

Some people say that the Japan-U.S. alliance is enough, but Russia and North Korea seem to be collaborating militarily in the future, and what would happen if China also joined? Joining NATO means a break from the dependence on the United States, which continued for a long time after the war. While Japan would double its military spending, the United States would be able to cut back on spending on the Seventh Fleet.

NATO's second largest military power

It has become the second-largest military expenditure in NATO after the United States, and the mentality that has been hiding behind foreigners with weapons and freaking out will not be talked about unless it is completely changed. If Japan joins NATO, neither North Korea nor China will be able to interfere with Japan at all. The chance is probably 0%.