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failure of the Pearl Harbor at

2021-07-04  Category:WWⅡ

failure of the Pearl Harbor at

Photo by アケミ写真館 (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Japan's biggest failure in the Pacific War was the not of landing operations in the Pearl Harbor attacks.If Japan were to take over Hawaii, it would be completely the opposite and could attack the U.S. mainland with Hawaii.On the contrary, the United States, based in Hawaii, acquired Guam, Saipan and Palau after the Battle of Midway, enabling mainland attacks on Japan.Japan and the United States are too far away, and Hawaii is an important base and fueling point.

In fact, even in the United States, if Hawaii had been taken by Japan, the United States would have to prepare for peace at that time.Some argue that Japan's landing ships and warships at that time could have carried out landing operations, but if so, Pearl Harbor should have been attacked after preparation for landing operations.Yamamoto Isoroku's blunder.