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The postwar Asian order was created by the United States - Japan faced with the Hull note - The end of the China - centered idea of Asia.

2024-01-18  Category:WWⅡ

The postwar Asian order was created by the United States  -  Japan faced with the Hull note  -  The end of the China - centered idea of Asia.

Photo by Unknown (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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An international order with China at the center of Asia

Looking at the postwar period, it is clear that the international community wanted Asia to revolve around China. This can be explained by the fact that China is a permanent member of the United Nations. The United Nations was like an alliance of victorious nations, and its original purpose was to confront the enemy nations of Japan, Germany, and Italy, and to build world peace. China is not a victorious country. Japan was in a state of division and rule based on concessions from Europe, and Japan had no hope in the Sino-Japanese War. However, China is named in the Potsdam Declaration, Japan's surrender document.

America asked to join the war

The Cold War had already begun during the war, and the United States did not want to be left behind in the postwar international order. The United States only had interests in Asia such as the Philippines and had no interest in the war, but as the war was coming to an end, they requested participation in order to have a say in the post-war period. After leading the ABCD encirclement and bombing Japan with supplies, the Pacific War begins with the attack on Pearl Harbor, which is said to be a de facto ultimatum. That is the reason for America's participation in the war. Japan's fight in Asia was a fight against European colonialism, and the United States needed a cause. What was created there was a story called ``A fight for justice to defeat the Japanese invaders.'' The invaders of Asia for the past 400 years have been white people.

changed plans

Japan's resistance was so strong that the United States finally asked for the Soviet Union to join the war. He asked Japan to revoke the Soviet-Japanese neutrality declaration and participate in the war. Roosevelt died there. Later, Truman became president and learned of the existence of atomic bomb research. The atomic bomb was a national secret known only to the president, not even the vice president. Truman's plans change and he chooses to drop the atomic bomb on Japan without waiting for the Soviet Union to enter the war. This is because the United States would have prevented a war in Asia by eliminating the Soviet Union. This has been revealed through the release of classified US documents, which revealed that the text that stated that the position of the Emperor would be preserved was deleted from the proposal for the instrument of surrender to Japan. Negotiations to end the war had already been carried out through the Soviet Union, and the Japanese side's demand was that the Emperor's status be preserved, which was written in the original surrender document.

What is a just war?

In the first place, there is no reason for the United States to participate in the Greater East Asia War. The United States created the story of a just war, and from this point on, propaganda such that there is justice and injustice in wars naturally takes place, and the United States always takes the lead. There can be no justice or anything in war.

Massacre more than the population?

The Nanjing Military Tribunal ruled that more people than the population of Nanjing had been massacred, and after the war China was used as an important card in explaining its status as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council in the international community. China was positioned as both a war victim and a victor. South Korea and North Korea took advantage of this. They tried to take the position of the victorious country by claiming fictitious war damage even though they had not fought the war itself. South Korea still considers itself the Jew of Asia.

History being reevaluated

These things have come to light through the disclosure of confidential US documents after the secrecy period, and are based on facts that even the Japanese did not know. In recent years, the United States has begun to reevaluate the war, and the comfort women issue is no exception. One of the reasons may be that the number of Americans who are pro-Japanese has been rapidly increasing recently. In other words, what I am trying to say is that these historical views were created by the United States, and China, South Korea, and North Korea have taken advantage of them. In other words, since the United States is reevaluating itself, there is no going back to the fictional story of the past.