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be not originally an independent country

2021-06-26  Category:The Joseon dynasty


下関条約 Photo by 大清帝國政府 (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Is it true that Japan has taken over the independence of the Korean Peninsula?After the Sino-Japanese War, Japan gained independence on the Korean Peninsula and became a substantial protectorate.Korea say that this is the first step in Japanese colonialization, but the reason why it became a protectorate is simple: the Korean Peninsula had no military defense, administrative organization, or tax management.

Japan's goal of make Korea become an independent country through various reforms was frustrated coused by the sudden escape of Gojong. King Gojong will be under Russian pressure and his interests on the Korean Peninsula will be transferred to Russia.As Russia's rights and interests expanded, Ito Hirobumi resigned as prime minister in 1901 after being held responsible for conciliatory policies on the Korean Peninsula.

Even after King Gojong returned, Russia's policy toward the south did not stop, and after the Uiwa War, Russia stationed in Manchuria, it developed into a Russo-Japanese War.Japan had deprived the Korean Peninsula of its diplomatic rights.After the Russo-Japanese War, King Gojong continued to sell his country by connecting with Russia.He seemed to have thought that he could exclude Japan by Russian side.In the end, Japan gave up its independence from the Korean Peninsula and headed for the annexation of Japan and South Korea.

At first period, the Korean Peninsula was independent for the first time under Japanese protection.The Korean Peninsula government abandoned its efforts to achieve substantial independence and approached Russia.Russia's demands for interests have intensified, and Japan has concluded a treaty of annexation with Korea.