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feudalism and modernization

2021-07-01  Category:The Joseon dynasty

feudalism and modernization

Photo by Unknown author (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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The Industrial Revolution cannot succeed in the Joseon Dynasty.The existence of proletariat is indispensable for the Industrial Revolution.The goal of defeating the Edo Shogunate, which was a closed-door policy, was not only to open the country, but also to break away from the feudal system and destroy the shogunate system.In other words, as long as people are in feudalism and are bound by land, they cannot secure a fluid labor force.Even in new industrial development, necessary human resources cannot be gathered where they are needed.

In this sense, if you look at the Korean Peninsula at that time, it is not feudalism but servitude, which is from the Middle Ages.In fact, it is said that things that developed in the Middle Ages did not develop and were in a pre-medieval state.Thus the servant was bound not only by the land, but also by his master, and had no freedom.Was it possible to get workers for Industlial Revolusion?

In order to modernize, it is essential to destroy the traditional feudal social system.The Meiji Restoration was the same, and the 1911 Revolution aimed to break away from the Qing dynasty.For this reason, Kim Ok-kyun's way of thinking is correct.Only when the Joseon dynasty is overthrown can social reform be carried out, and the road to modernization begins there.