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Japan received a warm welcome at the Bandung Conference. Gratitude from each country for colonial liberation.

2023-09-26  Category:Japan

Japan received a warm welcome at the Bandung Conference. Gratitude from each country for colonial liberation.

Photo by Government of Indonesia (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Japan welcomed at the Bandung Conference.

Shunichi Kase, Counselor for Foreign Affairs, attended the first Asian-African Conference in 1955, which was attended by 29 countries, and described the reactions of each country at the time as follows:

People from both Africa and Asia welcomed the event with comments such as ``Thank you for coming'' and ``Thanks to Japan.'' The Greater East Asia Joint Declaration, which established Japan's brave fight for the peoples of Asia and its significance, shines in history. If Japan had not issued the Greater East Asia Declaration and made the liberation of the Asian peoples the purpose of the war, or if Japan had not sacrificed and fought for Asia, we would still be under British control. It remained a colony, a Dutch colony, a French colony. Today's Asia exists because Japan made great sacrifices and fought bravely for the Asian people. That's what it meant.

A place for unity in Asia and Africa.

People from both Africa and Asia welcomed the event with comments such as "Thank you for coming" and "Thanks to Japan." If Japan had not fought with such sacrifices, we would still be a colony of England, France, and the Netherlands. The Greater East Asia Joint Declaration, which established Japan's brave fight for the peoples of Asia and its significance, shines in history.

The Asian-African Conference was held as a place for the Asian and African countries that gained independence one after another after the war to unite in mutual recognition of national self-determination.

Ten principles for peace adopted at the first conference
  1. Fundamental human rights and the United Nations Respecting the purpose and principles of the Charter
  2. Respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries
  3. Recognize the equality of all human beings and the equality of all nations, large and small.
  4. Do not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries
  5. Respect the right to individual or collective self-defense under the United Nations Charter
  6. Do not use collective defense for the special interests of great powers. Also, do not put pressure on other countries.
  7. Do not jeopardize the territorial integrity or political independence of other countries through invasion, threat of invasion, or use of force.
  8. International disputes are resolved by peaceful means
  9. Promote mutual benefits and cooperation
  10. Respecting justice and international obligations

Korea always says they represent Asia, but they don't represent .