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The acquisition of African countries by the world's underground financial institution AIIB is China's national strategy.

2021-11-08  Category:China

The acquisition of African countries by the world's underground financial institution AIIB is China's national strategy.

Photo by 颜邯 (licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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National strategy by AIIB

AIIB is the world's black finance. Lending money to developing countries to realize OBOR. They provide funds that cannot be repaid, and when they are unable to repay, they seize the country's ports and other facilities. If OBOR is realized, the countries in the area will become rich. That's why it's better to borrow more and more money.

With this financing, China bought up votes in the United Nations, including African countries.

Originally, the African continent was divided into two colonies, British and French, and the British Commonwealth and French Community held the vote in the United Nations, but what is the situation like now? OBOR is China's national takeover strategy.

Communism that views capitalists as enemies

Communism views capitalists and managers as enemies. Workers become subordinate to capital, and capitalists who acquire large amounts of capital become figures that shake up the nation. Therefore, Chinese companies are controlled by the state as state-owned or semi-state-owned.

In modern China, the state is the capitalist. They invest in domestic and international development in the name of investing in the region and the nation.

If you look at the fact that they are subjugating developing countries to capital, they are essentially no different from the capitalists they see as their enemies.

In fact, it's even worse.