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China's biggest weakness is its vast territory - We are dispersed - What is the biggest advantage of QUAD?

2022-09-02  Category:China

China's biggest weakness is its vast territory  -  We are dispersed  -  What is the biggest advantage of QUAD?

Photo by Kevin Kovadia (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Advantages of the Japan-Soviet Non-Aggression Treaty

The Japan-Soviet non-aggression pact during World War II had benefits for both sides. The Soviet Union's weakness was its vast territory. If the Japanese army invaded from the east while fighting the Nazis in the west, the Soviet army would have no choice but to disperse and would have no choice. After the Nazis surrendered on May 7, the Soviet Union entered the war against Japan.

China continues to acquire underdeveloped countries

The image above shows China's archipelago strategy and its maritime route to Pakistan, known as the String of Pearls. Currently, the Spratly Islands are under control, Sri Lanka's Hampantota port has been leased to China for 99 years, and, strangely enough, a coup d'etat occurred in Myanmar and China has secured access to the Bay of Bengal by land. The Solomon Islands government has been taken over and has signed a security agreement with China, refusing to accept foreign naval vessels. It's just a stone's throw from Australia.

Japan at its limits along the first island chain

Japan is currently debating the defense of its first island chain. As long as Japan and Taiwan are protected, that's fine. That may be the correct answer in terms of national defense, but if China considers it difficult to capture the first island chain, it will simply put it off until later and steadily advance its maritime strategy to the west. The Chinese Communist Party gains power each time it acquires concessions, and it is unable to stop the relative increase in threats to Japan's national defense.

Make the most of the large land area

In other words, China is making the most of its vast territory and expanding its reach into surrounding areas. Will the countries threatened by China defend themselves with their own strength? In other words, the enemy is a mass of 14 billion people, and we are unaware that they are scattered.

The biggest weakness is that the country is large

The important point about QUAD, which was proposed by former Prime Minister Abe, is that it draws India in. If China and India clash in Kashmir, communist forces will disperse to the west. Military power is nothing more than a total number, and some people compare numbers and say things like that, but in this case it is meaningless. Could troops in Sichuan province participate in the invasion of Taiwan? China's biggest weakness is its vast territory.

Threat to China is a deterrent

China's maritime expansion is intended to be a game changer for the world. Simply defending the first island chain in order to counter this would be a completely different level of thinking. The theory of dividing China will only be effective on a scale that confronts China's global expansion. For China, the absolute threat of ``If you don't act, I'll surround you and tear you apart'' is itself a deterrent.