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Korea has the largest ODA per population.China Appreciates Japan's Economic Aid

2022-01-18  Category:China

Korea has the largest ODA per population.China Appreciates Japan's Economic Aid

Photo by Ho Yuchih (licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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China appreciates Japan's ODA

According to Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ODA to China totaled about 3.9 trillion yen from 1979 to 2016.More than 60% of China's foreign aid is from Japan.Shanghai Pudong International Airport, Beijing Capital International Airport, Lanzhou, Wuhan, and Xi'an airports were also built with Japanese aid.In addition, 5,200 kilometers of railways, Beijing sewage treatment plants, Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital, Beijing Subway, Chongqing Railway, and major ports have been built and expanded.

Since the 2000s, JICA has been training more than 15,000 managers and HIDA has been training more than 22,000.Former General Secretary Deng Xiaoping and former General Secretary Hu Jintao officially thanked each other.Recently, Deputy Spokesman Hua Chunying thanked Japan, saying, "Japan's ODA has contributed greatly to China's reform and opening-up and economic development," adding, "We will discuss new cooperative relations with Japan."


Although there are territorial issues in Sino-Japanese relations, the Chinese government officially acknowledges that Japan has contributed greatly to China's development.

South Korea says it doesn't remember Japan's ODA

The amount of ODA to South Korea is 650.2 billion yen, but the total value of $500 million, including free financial cooperation and private cooperation, is said to be 2-3 trillion yen.Compared to China, South Korea has the most aid in terms of ODA costs per population.

Japan apologized to South Korea several times during the annexation of South Korea and Japan, but South Korea did not remember.I don't think Japan remembers being thanked by South Korea, but this is more true.On the contrary, after the end of ODA program for South Korea in 1990, the problem of recruiting workers and Japanese Military comfort woman grew.Is it just my imagination that they seem to have started after end of ODA.


Since the end of ODA to South Korea, the anti-Japanese movement in South Korea has become popular.Is this a coincidence?