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China puts aside domestic environmental issues and bans imports from Fukushima.

2023-09-18  Category:China

China puts aside domestic environmental issues and bans imports from Fukushima.

Photo by sky-spider.com (licensed under CC BY Unknown)

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A country of Chinese medicine with short average life expectancy

I was wondering why the average life expectancy of the Chinese people is so short.China is the birthplace of traditional Chinese medicine and is a country that practices the same principle of medicine and food, but why is there a difference of nearly 7 to 8 years with Japan? There used to be a difference of about 10 years. I thought it was because Chinese cuisine basically uses a lot of oil, but that alone doesn't explain it.

Shanghai apartment 976 times that of Tokyo

There was a story that when an air dosimeter was used to measure air dosimetry in an apartment in Shanghai, it was 976 times as high as in Tokyo.However, since radioactivity from land comes from mineral resources, it is important to note that radioactivity from land is emitted from mineral resources, so it is important to note that radioactivity from land is emitted from mineral resources. The higher the radiation dose, the higher the radiation dose. Plutonium is extracted from uranium ore, and there are many other ores that contain high amounts of radioactive materials in nature.

Radiation comes from natural minerals

It has long been known that rare metals made in China are traded internationally at low prices because China does not provide the various health considerations and guarantees that each country naturally takes into account. This is natural since this is a country where there is no sense of human rights. Radioactive materials are generated from rare metals during the mining process. As a result of not paying attention to the miners, radioactive materials flow into the river.

The fine aggregate, or fine sand, used in things like concrete is finely ground by river currents. Nuclear power plants in inland China use river water for cooling water, but it is said that nuclear power plant accidents occur frequently, and since it is a country like that, even if an accident occurs, it is naturally covered up.

What construction materials are used in the building?

As a result, we do not know what is contained in the building materials of condominiums. It is understandable that radioactivity levels were detected in Shanghai crabs taken downstream of the river.

Japan should always talk from a scientific perspective, and if the Chinese had a scientific perspective, would they realize that their country is already in a dire situation? If you still don't notice 30 years from now...