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Xi Jinping's New Year's greeting contained the will to unify Taiwan.

2022-01-13  Category:China

Xi Jinping's New Year's greeting contained the will to unify Taiwan.

Photo by 图片来源: 美国之音 (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Before the New Year, President Xi Jinping announced the 2022 New Year's greetings through the China Media Group and the Internet. Xinhuanet reported.

President Xi said, "Looking back on this year, it was of extraordinary significance. We experienced a major event with a milestone in the history of the Chinese Communist Party and the nation. The history of the" Two Centenaries "struggle goal. We have started a new path of full-scale construction of a modernized socialist nation, and we are moving strongly and proudly on the path of to realize the great reconstruction of the Chinese people. "

"On July 1st, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. If we keep our original intentions in mind, we will surely get results. Only by doing it properly, it is possible to go against history, against the times, and against the expectations of the people. "

President Xi said, "My country has consistently cared about the prosperity and stability of the Hong Kong and Macau districts. Only when we work together and work together to ensure a stable" one country, two systems ". It can be carried out in the long term. Achievement of complete unification of the homeland is a common wish of the people of both banks . I sincerely look forward to creating a wonderful future for the people. "

"When communicating over the phone with foreign leaders and heads of international organizations and holding video conferences, they made many contributions to China's fight against the new coronavirus and to prevent and curb the world's corona. At present, China has provided a total of more than 120 countries and international organizations with 2 billion doses of the new coronavirus vaccine. Only when countries around the world work together to overcome difficulties and unite and cooperate will humanity be destined. You can write a new chapter in community building. "

President Xi said, "In a little more than a month, the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics will begin. Encouraging more people to participate in winter sports is also the essence of the Olympic Movement. We do our best to do our best. We dedicate a grand Olympic Games to the world. The world has high expectations for China, and China is already ready. "

Quoted article: People's Network Japanese version
