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Will Ethiopia's default be the end of African investment? Debt trap derived from One Belt, One Road.

2024-01-13  Category:China

Will Ethiopia's default be the end of African investment? Debt trap derived from One Belt, One Road.

Photo by US Government (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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ethiopian default

China's One Belt, One Road initiative is set to go even further down the road after Africa's Ethiopia defaulted on the 2nd, unable to pay interest on its debt due in December. The countries circled on the map in the image are the countries where China is primarily investing. Ethiopia, which defaulted this time, is marked in red. One Belt, One Road is a route south to Italy in Europe, but Italy has announced its withdrawal from One Belt, One Road. This is the departure of the western base. Where is Kitaji's base? It is now Kiiv, the capital of Ukraine, which is currently at war.

One Belt, One Road debt trap

Yellow countries are those with excessive debt to China. Includes Sudan and Somalia. These are the countries along the Suez Sea, including Ethiopia, which follow the Suez Canal, and China was trying to gain control of the sea route to the Mediterranean Sea. The rationale is simple: once the One Belt, One Road project starts, we can make a lot of money, so why not borrow money and prepare?

road to south africa

South Africa has the highest GDP among African economies, and it can be seen that the countries on the land route to South Africa are also trying to keep it in check. Countries other than the ones circled account for 36.9% of China's investments in Africa, so it is spreading money to almost all countries. The purpose is to buy votes from the United Nations. African countries account for approximately 28.5% of the votes in the United Nations. This is what is behind China and the West, dismissing it as a minority opinion.

Related to the Taiwan Strait

This is actually related to the Taiwan Strait issue. Mainly African countries support China's "one China principle." Africa does not want to get into trouble with its creditor country, China, over a faraway island with which they do not have any exchanges.

If the countries along the Suez Sea default, the Belt and Road initiative will end for Africa.