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The Last Emperor who appeared at the Tokyo Trials The last emperor of the Qing Dynasty and the first emperor of Manchukuo looked at the times.

2022-07-30  Category:China

The Last Emperor who appeared at the Tokyo Trials The last emperor of the Qing Dynasty and the first emperor of Manchukuo looked at the times.

Photo by Unknown author (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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The Last Emperor appeared at the Tokyo Trial

The last emperor of the Qing Dynasty was Aixinjueluo Puyi. He was also called the Last Emperor and appeared at the Tokyo Trials. There, in front of GHQ, he praised Sun Yat-sen's Xinhai Revolution as an innovative move for China, and said that the Qing bureaucracies at the time were deeply corrupt.

The Xinhai Revolution was a Chinese revolution supported by Japan

The Xinhai Revolution was a Sino-Japanese joint revolution that was supported by important Japanese figures to modernize China under the rule of the former dynasty. Sun Yat-sen is Sun Yat-sen. Nakayama is a Japanese name, and it was the name of his time in exile in Japan. Puyi understood this very well.

Manchuria was a territory of the Qing Dynasty that Russia came to take over. The Qing Dynasty was a Chinese dynasty founded by the Manchu people, that is, by Puyi's ancestors.

The revolution had no choice but to join forces with the old dynasty forces

The Xinhai Revolution had to rely on Yuan Shikai's help to suppress the Beiyang warlords, and it cannot be denied that it was a half-hearted revolution, so Puyi's conditions of residence in the Forbidden City were revoked and he was exiled.

Russia's hand extended to the continent and peninsula

The conflict between Russia's interests in Manchuria and the conflict on the Korean Peninsula progressed simultaneously. Russia thought it would be a good idea to colonize China, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan in the same way as Northeast Asian nations.

The Russo-Japanese War not only stopped the Russian colonization of the Korean Peninsula, but also eliminated Russian interests from Manchuria and led to the establishment of Manchukuo. Puyi then became the first emperor of Manchukuo.

The idea of harmony between the five tribes of Manchukuo

Puyi, a Manchurian, was expelled from the Forbidden City and ascended the throne again in his homeland. Many workers came and went from the Korean peninsula to Manchuria, and many people from the Korean peninsula immigrated to cultivate the fertile land of Manchuria. Manchukuo's spirit of ``Five Tribes Harmony'' is an ideal that was built on the reality that these ethnic groups coexist: Japan, Korea, Manchuria, Mongolia, and the Han Chinese.

It is said that Japan was carrying out plunder and genocide on the Korean Peninsula. It's strange.