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The Taiwanese emergency is a Senkaku emergency - Chinese military lieutenant general who did not deny the argument shifts responsibility by saying that it is up to Taiwan.

2023-12-29  Category:China

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Statement by Lieutenant General of Chinese military think tank

By the 9th, He Lei, former vice president (lieutenant general) of the Academy of Military Sciences, a Chinese military think tank, gave an exclusive interview to Kyodo News and clarified that he ``doesn't want war, but I'm not afraid of it'' regarding the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture. Personally, I am concerned about this statement by the lieutenant general.When I asked him about the possibility of unifying Taiwan and seizing the Senkakus at the same time based on China's claim that the Senkakus are part of the "Taiwan Province," he replied, "It is not logical. If you do that, then yes,” he said without denying it.

Senkaku issue shelved

Taiwan was the first to claim sovereignty over Uotsuri Island. Since Taiwan was in June 1971 and China was in September of the same year, it appears that China hastily raised its hand to the international community three months later. During this period, a dispute over the representative government was being held at the United Nations, and the United Nations Resolution on Albania was adopted in October 1971, which established the People's Republic of China as the representative government of China. In response to this, Japan established diplomatic relations with China in 1972, but it is said that there was an agreement to shelve the issue of the Senkaku Islands so that it would not become an issue by not making it an issue.

Violation of territorial waters started with nationalization

The graph shown shows the number of territorial sea violations by China, and it can be seen that there were almost no cases up until 2012. It began with the nationalization of the Senkaku Islands by the Noda administration in September 2012. In other words, China's reasoning is that Japan has made an issue that had been shelved. They argue that for this reason, China will also openly make territorial claims. Before that, it is Japanese territory in the first place.


Al Jazeera English (licenced under CC BY-SA 2.0)

The Noda administration could not withstand criticism and nationalized the country.

The circumstances surrounding this nationalization by the Noda administration were so pathetic that they released the captain of a Chinese fishing boat that rammed the Japan Coast Guard for unknown reasons, and were unable to withstand public criticism. At the time, Governor Tanigaki argued that if he was going to be released, he should have just deported him on the spot instead of arresting him in the first place.

Senkaku Islands linked to Taiwan

A statement by a lieutenant general from a Chinese military think tank places the Senkakus as Taiwan's responsibility. If the one country, two systems principle is followed, Senkaku will become Taiwan. Xi Jinping has repeatedly stated that Taiwan's independence is a trigger for an invasion of Taiwan.

Argument for entrusting the Senkaku issue to Taiwan

The Taiwan emergency included the Senkaku issue within the Japan emergency, and there were many questions about how the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty would be activated if China publicly stated that it would maintain navigation through the Taiwan Strait and there was no attack on the Senkaku Islands. This time, China has publicly stated that the Senkaku Islands are part of it. In other words, the only objective is the small island of Senkaku, which is part of Taiwanese territory, and the question is whether the United States will participate in the war just for this island.

The Japanese side responded to this request.

Now that China has made it clear that it will extend its reach to the Senkaku Islands in the event of a Taiwanese emergency, how will the Japanese government respond? Would you go and rent even 10 pandas? My thinking is almost the same as that student who yelled at the SEALDs meeting that I would drink alcohol and become better friends with him.