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Mobilization order for 300,000 people issued in Russia - President Putin expands invasion of Ukraine.

2022-09-26  Category:Russia

Mobilization order for 300,000 people issued in Russia  -  President Putin expands invasion of Ukraine.

Photo by KajenCAT Viewsridge (licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Partial mobilization order for 300,000 people

Russia has received various criticisms over its decision to issue a mobilization order for 300,000 people. A referendum was held in southeastern Ukraine, which has become an international issue as it violates the United Nations Charter. The least we can say is that in response to the economic sanctions imposed by each country on Russia, Russia will try to recoup its losses by reaping economic benefits from the areas it has invaded in the medium to long term.

Economic benefits from acquired areas

Suppose you suddenly acquire 100 m2 of land. If you grow rice there, how much profit will you make each year?If you grow wheat there, how much profit will you make? What would be the cumulative profit if this continued for 50 years? And will economic sanctions from other countries still continue 50 years from now?

On a national scale, the lost population will come back

Will the 300,000 conscripted soldiers in Russia never return? Suppose they all died in battle. Given the national economy, these 300,000 people will return. After a major war, a region may experience population growth to compensate for the lost population. The first baby boom occurred in Japan. In other words, in terms of the nation, 300,000 people will be revived.

A meaningless claim that it is okay to give up the land

There was someone who complained that the leader of some idiot political party in Japan would be fine if they gave away at least one of Japan's remote islands. That's completely stupid. Humankind's wars have been carried out based on this kind of time axis calculation. Criticism of the war will eventually be adjusted. The core of this is the national land that will benefit us forever in the future.

Ukraine aims to regain its territory

Currently, the media is reporting that Ukraine is in the ascendant, but the actual conclusion will differ depending on what you consider as a yardstick. The least we can say is that in order to make Russia's war meaningless and null and void, we must recapture all of the Ukrainian territory that was taken by Russia. Russia will only lose and gain nothing.