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Taiwan is a keystone of the world economy. Asia - Europe liberal economic bloc to contain China.

2021-12-03  Category:Europe

Taiwan is a keystone of the world economy. Asia - Europe liberal economic bloc to contain China.

Photo by Artist: Lucas. Printed By: J. Weiner (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Future elections that will affect the world situation

The upcoming elections that will attract attention are the South Korean presidential election in 2022, the Philippine presidential election in 2022, the US presidential election in 2024, and the Taiwanese presidential election in 2024. Regarding the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea issues, the balance will change depending on who is the leader of the Philippines, the United States, and Taiwan.

Xi Jinping is expected to be re-elected in 2023. It will be interesting to see when Japan's constitutional revision will be proposed.


If you look at the world map, Taiwan is floating on both the Japanese side and the South China Sea.

If we misjudge the situation, South Korea will become isolated

If we misjudge these points in the Korean presidential election, the next five years may be even more difficult. If the United States were to become a Republican Party, the Philippines would secede from its China policy, and Taiwan would become a Democratic Progressive Party, capital would flee from pro-China South Korea and investment in Taiwan and other Southeast Asian countries would accelerate.


Once the Taiwan and South China Sea issues are resolved, the economic hot zone will move south. This area extends from Southeast Asia to Europe.

Why the UK is proactive

The reason why the UK is so proactive about these issues is because it wants to strengthen the unity of the Commonwealth of Nations and rebuild its economic foundations by leaving the EU. It is proposing an economic zone concept in which liberal countries would invest in the same area as One Belt, One Road.

There are Commonwealth countries along the way to the Pacific, the Quad and Europe. The British Commonwealth is made up of 54 countries. It is a huge federation that has been linked to former colonial powers, and has a population of 2.2 billion, which far exceeds that of China.

Many British interests were stolen by China

Africa used to be divided between Britain and France, but it has now been taken over by China. It is in Britain's interest to contain China to mainland China.

If that happens, the EU will also join. This is not to say that any country likes or supports China; the issue is the economy and money.


The Hong Kong issue was symbolic, but Britain's interests in various countries have been usurped by China.