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The Japanese Embassy in Ukraine has been reduced and Japanese nationals have been advised to stop traveling.Russia besieges Kiev

2022-01-31  Category:Europe

The Japanese Embassy in Ukraine has been reduced and Japanese nationals have been advised to stop traveling.Russia besieges Kiev

Photo by US Central Intelligence Agency (licensed under CC BY c00)

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Reduce the Japanese Embassy in Ukraine

After the U.S. and Britain decided to evacuate the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, Japan raised the level of risk information to the second highest level, urged all Japanese to evacuate the country, and reduced the function of the embassy.The U.S.-Russia foreign ministers' talks have virtually broken down, with Russian troops stationed near the Ukrainian border and in Belarus and Crimea, almost surrounding Kiev.

Kiev, the capital city that is too close

Ukraine's capital, Kiev, is 850 kilometers to Moscow, 150 kilometers to Belarus, and 350 kilometers to Russia.Ukraine is now far from Western Europe because it has only Ukrainian troops before joining NATO.Physically speaking, if Russian troops march, NATO will not be able to rescue them in time, and it will end in an instant.In chess, it's already clogged.On the other hand, if Ukraine joins NATO and NATO forces are stationed near the Russian border, NATO forces will be stationed close to Moscow, the capital.In other words, For Russia attack on Ukraine have to do before NATO membership.

Will the United States really wage war with nuclear powers?

Xi Jinping is the one who is interested in this situation.The United States has only proposed economic sanctions against Ukraine.In the event of an emergency in Taiwan, America's sincerity will be tested.Whether the U.S. will really send U.S. troops to war with nuclear-armed countries is #/yellow#.It is unclear whether the government will give up its territorial aggressionSince territorial expansion is a semi-permanent benefit, economic sanctions are short-term, and relations can be restored through various channels, will it be a deal?Russia was also subject to economic sanctions in the 2014 annexation of Crimea.


It is said that the attack on Ukraine is one of Putin's decisions.Ukraine is a region with great economic benefits for Russia, so there is widespread concern about advancing.