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Finland's Prime Minister Marin is eager to join NATO Conclusion in a few weeks - Russia strengthens its armament in the Baltic Sea.

2022-04-15  Category:Europe

Finland's Prime Minister Marin is eager to join NATO Conclusion in a few weeks - Russia strengthens its armament in the Baltic Sea.

Photo by Laura Kotila (licensed under CC BY 4.0)

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Finland is eager to join NATO

Finland's Prime Minister Marin announced his willingness to join NATO on the 13th. He will reach a conclusion in a few weeks through Congress. He has remained neutral so as not to inspire Russia, but he also said that this Russian action changed his mind. In contrast, he is one of Russia's closest aides to President Vladimir Putin, and Dmitry Medvejev, vice-chairman of the Security Council, said on the 14th that Russia and Finland will join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) on the 14th. Warned that it was necessary to increase defense capabilities in the region, and also suggested the deployment of nuclear weapons.

Russia strengthens its armament in the Baltic Sea

What is the Baltic Sea armament? Kaliningrad. Russia has an enlave in the area facing the Baltic Sea between Lithuania and Poland, the three Baltic states. It would be to deploy nuclear weapons here. Medvejev argues that Russia must strengthen its army, navy and air force in the Baltic Sea to restore military equilibrium. Finland borders Russia on a long border, and even Moscow is just over 1,000 km away. The location is just a stone's throw from St. Petersburg. However, Kaliningrad is an excursion, and Russia cannot access it without going through Lithuania at present. It can be said that the location is even more difficult than in Ukraine.

Russia is the Black Sea and NATO is the Baltic Sea

If Finland and Sweden join NATO, Russia is likely to be more hurt than Ukraine. Russia is currently capturing southern Ukraine with the aim of influencing the Black Sea, but with the accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO, NATO will acquire the Baltic Sea. And Kaliningrad will be an outlying area completely isolated from Russia. Russia may be trying to defend itself by deploying nuclear weapons so that Kaliningrad cannot be taken.