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Official duties 2 days before Queen Elizabeth's death.

2022-09-15  Category:Europe

Official duties 2 days before Queen Elizabeth's death.

Photo by Elli Gerra (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Official duties performed up to two days before the last

Queen Elizabeth's last public appearance will be two days before her death. Is it a coincidence that the appointment of the new Prime Minister Truss and the demise of the head of state intersected? Aside from that, it's the expression of the Queen. She had the impression that she was showing her emotions, but it turns out that she is very friendly to the new Prime Minister Truss.

Reign as Head of Commonwealth Kingdom

Queen Elizabeth is the head of the Commonwealth of Nations, and the countries where Queen Elizabeth (currently Charles III) is king are currently Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Bahamas, Belize, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and Saint Christopher. - 15 countries: Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

British people expressing their condolences

The British people enjoyed gossip about the British royal family and thought it was vulgar from my Japanese point of view, but now that the Queen is dead, it seems that's not the case. It seems that many British people have gathered at Balmoral Castle in Scotland to pay their respects. In the first place, Japan and the UK have historically been related, and they have something in common as island nations. The King of England and the Emperor of Japan have had long exchanges. If so, it seems that there is a common point among the people.

National historical and cultural symbol

Respect for a symbolic entity is not logical. There is no rational explanation for it, like respect for the national flag. It seems to me that there is a common national sentiment with countries that share a common view of the loss or defacement of national symbols. It will be a feeling that will never be understood to that country that insults the Emperor of Japan and burns the national flag.