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Leaders Participate in the Olympic Opening Ceremony - Prime Minister Abe Participated for the Athletes and Moon Jae - in Used for Political Use

2021-07-12  Category:Japanese comfort woman problem

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Former Prime Minister Abe participated in the opening ceremony despite opposition.

At the time of the Pyeongchang Olympics held in South Korea, Moon Jae-in had already spoken out about the invalidity of the comfort women agreement, and in Japan, there was much domestic public opinion against Prime Minister Abe's participation in the opening ceremony of the Games. However, it was thought that Prime Minister Abe would not participate, but Prime Minister Abe announced his intention to participate. The reason was that ``I had to participate as the country's top leader in order to encourage the Japanese national team players.''

South Korea intends to participate in the opening ceremony and do business with us

I have seen Moon Jae-in in this sense, and he is truly a disappointing person. The South Korean athlete did not even know whether his country would participate in the Tokyo Olympics until just before the Olympics, and his argument that he might boycott was so lame that it was dismissed by the IOC. As for Moon Jae-in's participation in the opening ceremony, it appears that he was trying to make a deal until the very end, unilaterally offering a deal in exchange for a summit meeting.

Who is using the Olympics for politics?

South Korea has been the most sensitive to the political use of the Olympics, and appears to have criticized Japan at every turn at the national level. From the perspective of Japan, the South Korean athletes who play the leading role in sports tournaments are nowhere to be seen, and it appears that Moon Jae-in, far from using the Olympics for politics, seems to think that the Olympics themselves are a political venue.