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Agreement Japanese Military comfort woman without the letter coercion. The two governments of Japan and South Korea do not recognize coercion.

2022-02-10  Category:Japanese comfort woman problem

Agreement Japanese Military comfort woman without the letter coercion. The two governments of Japan and South Korea do not recognize coercion.

Photo by Lisy_ (licensed under pixabay)

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Kono discourse that arbitrarily recognizes history

In Japan, politics does not recognize or evaluate history.This is because politicians do not have no such authority.Historical data stored in government agencies will be accepted by Congress after confirming the facts.Starting with Yoshida's testimony, Kono's discourse was about compulsion.The biggest flaw in Kono's speech was that he was a government minister who spoke without historical information.In other words, history is recognized arbitrarily.

Cabinet decision that there is no evidence of coercion

In 2007, the Cabinet decided that no evidence of compulsory Japanese Military comfort woman recruitment was found under the Abe administration.This means that some of the amendments were made to the Kono Statement in accordance with a Cabinet decision higher than the Kono Statement.Former Prime Minister Abe did not say that there was no forced arrest.He's just saying there was no evidence.

Agreement Japanese Military comfort woman with no forced character

The 2015 Japanese Military comfort woman Agreement did not include the word coercion.This compulsory part of the Korea-Japan issue is the most important issue.In other words, Japan followed the Cabinet decision and held talks, and South Korea agreed to omit the statement because it failed to provide evidence of compulsion.An important part of the Japanese Military comfort woman agreement is that the two countries did not recognize the compulsion rather than that the issue was finally and irreversibly resolved.If enforcement cannot be confirmed, the Japanese Military comfort woman problem does not exist from the beginning.


The Japanese and South Korean governments did not approve of evidence of coercion.Japanese Military Sexual Slavery The problem itself is no longer valid.