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Korean group trying to stop the comfort women movement in South Korea The method is to stay up all night and reserve a space first.

2022-01-09  Category:Japanese comfort woman problem
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Far-right groups continue to submit space use notifications first

Preemption of space for South Korean far-right groups began in May 2020. In the wake of allegations of misappropriation of sponsorship funds by Rep. Yoon Mi-hyang, who served as the president of the Justice and Remembrance Solidarity (a core organization in the comfort women litigation movement), far-right civic groups held a rally in front of the Statue of the Girl of Peace. They began filing reports ahead of the Justice League.

Meeting notifications can be submitted 30 days (720 hours) in advance, but members of far-right and conservative groups are staying up all night taking turns at the waiting area at Jongno Police Station, where meeting notifications are accepted. , the place is taken away every time.


Although it is a primitive method, it is amazing that they are trying to stop the comfort women movement even by staying up all night.

Opposing comfort women groups

Kang Kyung-ran, head of the Solidarity Movement for Justice League, said, ``Far-right groups are claiming to ``end the Wednesday demonstrations forever'' and have filed a gathering at the same location. She is a prostitute () on a daily basis, and she does not hesitate to say things that insult us.

I have decided to petition the National Human Rights Commission to take urgent remedial measures and investigate the human rights violations occurring at the rally site, as well as to investigate the police who ignore these acts."


The anti-comfort women movement in South Korea is led by far-right political parties and carried out by civil society groups.