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Korea's continued Jewish cosplay.All Japan - South Korea relations come to this.

2022-01-24  Category:Japanese comfort woman problem

Korea's continued Jewish cosplay.All Japan - South Korea relations come to this.

Photo by Air and Space Museum (licensed under CC BY 2.0)

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The origin of the problem is Jewish cosplay

Japanese Military Sexual Slavery The problem and recruitment problem are individualized, but what Korea has been talking about since the end of World War II is JewishCosplay .The Asahi flag issue is also related.South Korea tells Japan to imitate Germany because Germany compensates for the war and Japan does not.Japan invaded countries that were considered Western colonies and paid reparations to those countries.China has waived compensation.Korea was not an enemy country and there was no war damage , so the concept of compensation itself does not exist.

Reality as stated in the preamble to the Constitution

When it comes to Jewish cosplay, we are in the same situation as Jews.Why are Jews rescued and we have no help?Germany says it is compensating, but Germany only compensates each country comprehensive except for compensation for Jews.The logic of reparation can be seen from these things as if it had been done to Jews.The oath of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea clearly says, "#ylow #Japan's inhumane assault #/ylow #" and the current preamble of the Korean Constitution says it will inherit the provisional government's legal code.So far, Nazi = Japanese equation.Therefore, it becomes the Harkencroits = Asahi flag.

Why are the people who were slaughtered and the people who developed the same?

What is certain to be known as a historical fact is that the Holocaust is an operation to slaughter and annihilate Jews in the vast area of Europe.Japan claims to have carried out genocide on the Korean Peninsula, but the population growth is remarkable.The U.S. says there was no Japan's war crimes under GHQ rule.MacArthur's postwar policy is to promptly convene an international military court to punish war criminals, justify the American war, and quickly bring Japan back to the international community.America was looking for war criminals.It is concluded that it was not on the Korean Peninsula.

To be clear, Japan and the Nazis, Koreans and Jews are completely different.World War II also has a completely different history.No country in the world thinks Koreans and Jews are the same.It is clear that the provisional government wants to replace Korea with Jews and pretend to be a war victim and become a victorious group.


South Korea has requested attendance at the San Francisco Peace Conference and has been rejected by the United States.At this time, I was trying to get the international community to recognize Jukdo sovereignty.