Legality of Japanese Annexation of Korea The Supreme Court's decision on recruitment is based on the unilateral recognition of torts under Japanese rule.
Category:Japanese comfort woman problem
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There are two main points in the judgment of the Supreme Court of Korea. One is the issue of the Japan-Korea Claims Agreement. The second is the recognition of torts under Japanese rule, which was the premise of the decision.
The waiver of claims in post-war processing was under the San Francisco Peace Treaty. Japan has abandoned its diplomatic protection rights related to claims. Countries that do not ratify the peace treaty will individually conclude a treaty. Diplomatic protection means that the country does not diplomatically protect the exercise of claims against other countries. A-bomb survivors in Hiroshima have attempted to claim damages against the United States for indiscriminate attacks on civilians as a tort. At this time, the view of the Government of Japan is that the Government of Japan has abandoned its diplomatic protection rights and the government is not involved. However, he replied that the individual's claim was not extinguished. "Yanagi answer". It is the answer of the Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs and the administrative view.
In fact, South Korea has been activating the movement for individual claims by quoting this Yanai answer. Until then, South Korea, on the contrary, interpreted that the individual's claim itself had disappeared (described in the Korean side manual of the 1965 Agreement), and after hearing this Yanai's answer, he knew for the first time that the individual's claim would not be extinguished. It was. Aside from the administrative view of Japan, the legal view was that in 2007 the Supreme Court of Japan stated that it was not subject to protection, including individual jurisdiction. At the same time, the individual's claim right will not be extinguished.
In other words, the problem is that a treaty is a promise between countries, not a contract between individual citizens. Individuals do not lose their claims as individual rights, but the state does not act for them. The Supreme Court of Korea interpreted that the jurisdiction would not be extinguished. The first point is whether or not jurisdiction is included.
Regarding the second tort recognition, when Japan signed the 1965 Agreement, Japan is approaching the conclusion with a consistent view that the annexation of Korea is not an illegal act under international law. The eight articles presented by the South Korean side in the agreement are about claims for the property of natural persons (individuals), but it is written and agreed in the agreement to abandon them. And it is not the concept of compensation, but economic cooperation.
The Japanese annexation of Korea is not illegal because there is no fact that Japan occupied it by force and forcibly concluded it, and it was signed and stamped when the two countries signed the agreement. The letter of the emperor Sunjong's name is written on the power of attorney to delegate full authority to Prime Minister Ye Wanyong, and there is no debate about whether this is a signature, and Sunjong itself is not recognized as an emperor. There is a claim that there is no signature of Gojong, but the universal public law of international law at that time stipulates that the signature of the head of state is not always necessary for concluding a treaty.
The reason why tort recognition is the point is that the Korean side ignored the views and interpretations under international law and unilaterally recognized it as tort. Korean civil law stipulates that personal property rights and claims will be extinguished if not exercised for 20 years. In other words, normally, both the recruiter and the comfort woman have passed the extinction prescription of the claim. Looking at the cases of claims related to the claim right at the time of the annexation of Japan and South Korea in South Korea, there are a number of judgments that were dismissed because of the extinction prescription. What happens if the Japanese annexation of Korea becomes an illegal act? The claim right at point 1 does not expire. Since it is a principle of international law that the right to claim under tort has no statute of limitations, the Daiho-in Temple has unfoundedly recognized the annexation of Korea as a tort.
As mentioned above, an individual's claim will not be extinguished only on the premise of tort. The treaty exists as another matter, it is a promise between countries, and the Korean government has a strict obligation to keep the treaty.
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Kim Byeong-heon, director of the National History Textbook Research Institute, Lee Woo-yeon, research committee member of the Rakusei University Economic Research Institute, Juok-soon Mama Corps representative, Kenji Yoshida (Korean name Kim Min-suk), etc. He will visit the city of Berlin from the 25th to the 30th, meet with the ward office officials, and formally request the removal of the statue of the comfort woman girl installed in the area.
Director Kim and his colleagues formed the "Comfort Women Fraud Clearing Solidarity" last year and held a weekly confrontation rally for the Justice Federation's rally, revealing the falsehood of the comfort women issue symbolized by the image of comfort women.
Lee Woo-yeon is the co-author of "Anti-Japan Tribalism," which has become a bestseller in Japan, and Juok-soon held a demo rally in Korea
"Prime Minister Abe, our leader was helpless and ignorant and destroyed Japan-South Korea relations. I sincerely apologize," he said, denying the Korean government's response and defending the position of the Japanese government.
They are an organization that is in direct opposition to various anti-Japan movement groups, and are familiar with the history of the Japanese rule, such as Professor Yanagi of Yonsei University, who was sued for saying "comfort women are prostitutes". He will also collaborate with Lee Young-hoon of "Anti-Japan Tribalism", Professor Mark Ramseyer of Harvard Law School, and Tsutomu Nishioka, a visiting professor of Reitaku University in Japan.
Thorough demonstrations such as uncovering the lies of the comfort women in the immediate vicinity of the former comfort women's Wednesday rally, and securing applications for the same place all night before the notification of the Wednesday rally is issued to obstruct the activities of the comfort women. It's the first time.
As with the comfort women issue and the recruitment issue, Japan and South Korea have agreed to comprehensively resolve these issues through the 1965 Japan-Korea Claims Agreement. The problems that have arisen since then are not the problems of both countries, but the domestic problems of each. The Japanese way of thinking is that domestic problems should be solved domestically.
Will it really be a solution when their activities expand and the truth of history becomes clear? At least this is a problem that Koreans should solve. It is clear from the past that Japan's apology has twisted the facts and was only a temporary measure.
Modern conform women In most cases, endless wars involve economic factors.In the first place, war is triggered by the economy.Looking at the Middle East problem in this respect, the business surrounding it will expand, take root in society, and have a strong social voice in the long-standing conflict structure.They become groups that don't want to end the war.
What about the anti-Japanese movement, anti-Japanese economy in this view?If politicians, left-wing media, university professors, teachers' unions, critics, social activists, and many people earn income through anti-Japanese movement, connect with each other, and have social voice, this trend will not stop.Another reason is that human trafficking brokers are still active in Korea.In California, most foreign women working in sex-related industries are Korean, and in Australia, a large organization of Korean brokers has been caught.This is the ongoing Sexual Slavery problem.
During the Joseon Dynasty, most of the people were servants and were bought and sold by brokers.It is a huge market, and it will not disappear easily under Japanese rule.Japan abolished the status system.In other words, it must have been quite troublesome to lose the broker's servant.The Japanese police at that time must have caught Japanese Military Sexual Slavery several times for illegally mediating.
What would happen if such organizations were linked to the anti-Japanese movement and Japanese Military Sexual Slavery business?What if a large amount of foreign currency is introduced into Korea from women working abroad through brokers to build a statue of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery and if that money to use for promotion of anti-Japanese propaganda?It is also a place to hide that continues to make a fuss about Japan decades ago and incites public opinion that it is worse.
It is surprising that the modern version of the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery problem does not generate any social interest even if it continues to condemn Japan, a country that has no hope of solving the problem.Moon Jae In, who is sensitive to women's rights, does not seem to be active in this issue.
Agreement Japanese Military comfort woman without the letter coercion. The two governments of Japan and South Korea do not recognize coercion.
In Japan, politics does not recognize or evaluate history.This is because politicians do not have no such authority.Historical data stored in government agencies will be accepted by Congress after confirming the facts.Starting with Yoshida's testimony, Kono's discourse was about compulsion.The biggest flaw in Kono's speech was that he was a government minister who spoke without historical information.In other words, history is recognized arbitrarily.
In 2007, the Cabinet decided that no evidence of compulsory Japanese Military comfort woman recruitment was found under the Abe administration.This means that some of the amendments were made to the Kono Statement in accordance with a Cabinet decision higher than the Kono Statement.Former Prime Minister Abe did not say that there was no forced arrest.He's just saying there was no evidence.
The 2015 Japanese Military comfort woman Agreement did not include the word coercion.This compulsory part of the Korea-Japan issue is the most important issue.In other words, Japan followed the Cabinet decision and held talks, and South Korea agreed to omit the statement because it failed to provide evidence of compulsion.An important part of the Japanese Military comfort woman agreement is that the two countries did not recognize the compulsion rather than that the issue was finally and irreversibly resolved.If enforcement cannot be confirmed, the Japanese Military comfort woman problem does not exist from the beginning.
The Japanese and South Korean governments did not approve of evidence of coercion.Japanese Military Sexual Slavery The problem itself is no longer valid.
Are comfort women women's volunteer corps? If you read the ``Women's Volunteer Labor Ordinance,'' you will see that it is a clear lie.
Below is an excerpt from the Women's Volunteer Corps Labor Order. Only those certified by the National Vocational Ability Declaration Ordinance could join the volunteer corps (Article 3).
Excerpts from the National Vocational Ability Declaration Order, which is the basis for Article 3, are also posted thereafter.
It was a proud profession in which only the most talented women could join the volunteer corps. In South Korea, it is believed that women who were sleeping at train stations were taken away and forced to become comfort women. Apparently they think volunteer corps and comfort women are the same thing. The women's volunteer corps is not such a funny story, but it is a group of female workers who were brought together by imperial edict.
The detailed application details and the local commissioner will check your skills. When people confuse comfort women with the volunteer corps, they have no idea what the volunteer corps is. Incidentally, the Women's Volunteer Corps Labor Order has not been issued on the Korean Peninsula.
[Women's Volunteer Corps Labor Order] Imperial Ordinance No. 519 of 1944
Article 3 Persons who are to engage in volunteer work (hereinafter referred to as volunteers) are women who are registered citizens according to the National Vocational Ability Declaration Ordinance.
Girls other than those falling under the preceding paragraph will only be allowed to serve as members if they volunteer.
Article 4: The period of continued volunteer labor shall be approximately one year, unless there are special circumstances.
If you wish to continue working as a volunteer for more than one year, you must obtain the consent of the volunteer.
Article 5 A person who wishes to receive volunteer labor shall request or apply to the local commissioner as prescribed by the order.
Article 6 Local Commissioner If there is a request or application pursuant to the provisions of the preceding article and it is deemed necessary to dispatch the women's volunteer corps, the municipal mayor (municipal mayor) Heads of other organizations or school principals, including those equivalent to the head of the ward (in the areas where the wards of Tokyo exist, as well as Kyoto City, Osaka City, Nagoya City, Yokohama City, and Kanda City, the ward head, and the same shall apply hereinafter); We will order the members to select those who will serve as members.
Article 7: Persons who receive the orders set forth in the preceding article should select those who should become members of the group, taking into account the person's age, physical condition, family situation, etc., and report this to the local chief.
Article 8: The local commissioner shall select members from among those who have submitted a report pursuant to the provisions of the preceding article, notify the person accordingly in a volunteer labor order, and give instructions on necessary matters regarding volunteer labor. I agree.
[National Vocational Ability Declaration Order] Royal Ordinance No. 5 of 1949
Article 2 The following persons shall be required to report (hereinafter referred to as persons required to report):
A person who has been continuously engaged in an occupation designated by the Minister of Health and Welfare for three months or more in the current place of residence.
A person who has been continuously engaged in the occupation listed in the previous item for more than one year, and who has retired for less than five years.
Those who have graduated from a university, vocational school, vocational school, or any other equivalent school designated by the Minister of Health and Welfare by completing a course designated by the Minister of Health and Welfare.
A person who has completed the prescribed course at a technician training facility designated by the Minister of Health and Welfare.
A person who has passed a certification or examination designated by the Minister of Health and Welfare or a person who has obtained a license designated by the Minister of Health and Welfare.
Other persons designated by the Minister of Health and Welfare.
Article 4 When a citizen becomes a person who is required to file a return, or when a person who is required to file under Article 11 and has not yet filed a return no longer falls under the provisions of the same article, the person who is required to file a return shall report the following matters within 14 days to the employment agency in the place of employment if the person requiring the report is employed, and to the employment agency in the place of residence for other persons. After filing the declaration, if the person requiring the declaration moves to another area, the declaration shall be made in the same manner.
One name
Date of birth
Three domicile
Place of residence
Military service related
Academic background
Employed person is his/her occupation name
Place of employment (for those who have two or more places of employment, this is the main place of employment)
If a person is engaged in or has engaged in the occupation set forth in Article 2, paragraph 1, his or her employment history and skill level
For those who fall under Article 2, Item 4, information regarding the course they have completed.
For those who fall under Article 2, item 5, matters related to the examination, certification, or license that they have taken.
Those receiving salary or wages, the amount
Other matters specified by the order.
Article 8: The local commissioner (governor) or director of an employment agency may test the skills and other vocational abilities of the applicant.
What is the main purpose of the comfort women agreement? The purpose is for the Korean side to establish a foundation for reconciliation and resolution - South Korea does not understand the main purpo
I don't understand anything about this article (below).Apparently, the former Japanese Military comfort woman refused to receive 1 billion yen donated by Japan in the 2015 Japanese Military comfort woman agreement, so the Korean government donated 1 billion yen to establish a gender equality fund.
In the first place, the Moon Jae In administration and Korean public opinion have been excluded, but the Japanese government has not donated 1 billion yen directly to the former Japanese Military comfort woman.The South Korean government has set up a foundation to support the former Japanese Military comfort woman and provided funds for the foundation.The Korean government's activities and foundation will settle the dispute with the former Japanese Military comfort woman.Since it was a public interest foundation, it would be good to raise new public works projects and funds through the foundation's activities and increase the amount of funds to solve the problem.Japan and South Korea agreed on the Japanese Military comfort woman agreement.The fact that the former Japanese Military comfort woman refused to accept the 1 billion yen donated by Japan itself is contrary to the intent of the Japanese Military comfort woman agreement.
Moon Jae In has dissolved the Reconciliation and Healing Foundation, and one billion yen has not been repaid to Japan, and it has reportedly invested one billion yen in establishing a new Gender Equality Fund.In any case, it is clear that the South Korean government will take the initiative in solving the problem.
[2015 Japanese Military comfort woman Agreement]
Japan side:
(2) Based on this experience, the Japanese government has taken measures to heal the wounds of all former Japanese Military comfort womans based on the Japanese government's budget.Specifically, the Korean government will set up a foundation to support former Japanese Military comfort womans and use the Japanese government's budget to fund them. The two governments will cooperate to restore the honor and dignity of all former Japanese Military comfort womans and heal their wounds.
2. South Korea side:
(1) The South Korean government evaluates the Japanese government's announcement and the measures announced in paragraph 1.(2) above, and confirms that the Japanese government and the Japanese government will finally and irreversibly resolve the problem.The South Korean government will cooperate with the Japanese government's implementation of the measures.