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Korean anti - Japanese activities taking place in New York: How should we deal with them, as they are so outrageous?

2022-01-04  Category:Japanese comfort woman problem

Korean anti - Japanese activities taking place in New York: How should we deal with them, as they are so outrageous?

Photo by Luca Bravo (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Korea's insane lobbying activities

In November 2019, the Korea Liberation Association urged the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to ban the use of the Rising Sun flag at the upcoming 2020 Tokyo Olympics in Manhattan Square, New York, United States. marching through the city.

The person who is kneeling down on the ground is Kim Won-eun, the chairman of the Gwangjukai. It is said that Japan is losing to South Korea's lobbying efforts, but this is the reality. Japanese people are not aware that they are conducting activities like this in the United States, a completely different country, which is completely based on no facts and deviates from common sense.

The Gwangbuk-kai, which refers to independence from Japan as Gwangbuk, is the central organization for anti-Japanese activities tied to the so-called Korean government.


In South Korea, there are many anti-Japanese organizations that receive support from the government.

They proudly print a historical error that equates the Nazis with Japan on flags and march through the streets of New York.

They are using this to appeal to the American people to ban the use of the Rising Sun flag at the Tokyo Olympics, which is another logically bankrupt activity, but they don't care about that.

They don't know history in the first place

The Nazis were a socialist party that practiced dictatorship and massacred six million Jews.

Japan's Greater East Asia War was a war of Western colonial liberation in Asia, and the only things Japan has in common with the Nazis are that the enemy was a power that continued to expand through colonial rule, and that they lost the war.

The Japan-German-Italy Tripartite Pact was not about jointly fighting a war, but rather a non-interference pact that stipulated that Japan would not intervene in wars in Europe, and Germany and Italy would not intervene in wars in Asia.


South Korea conveniently cites the Nazis and criticizes Japan. They know very little about the difference between Japan and the Nazis.
