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Modern conform women

2021-06-28  Category:Japanese comfort woman problem

Modern conform women

Photo by Wilfredor (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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国際政治・外交ランキング にほんブログ村 政治ブログ 国際政治・外交へ

In most cases, endless wars involve economic factors.In the first place, war is triggered by the economy.Looking at the Middle East problem in this respect, the business surrounding it will expand, take root in society, and have a strong social voice in the long-standing conflict structure.They become groups that don't want to end the war.

What about the anti-Japanese movement, anti-Japanese economy in this view?If politicians, left-wing media, university professors, teachers' unions, critics, social activists, and many people earn income through anti-Japanese movement, connect with each other, and have social voice, this trend will not stop.Another reason is that human trafficking brokers are still active in Korea.In California, most foreign women working in sex-related industries are Korean, and in Australia, a large organization of Korean brokers has been caught.This is the ongoing Sexual Slavery problem.

Broker who has lived since the Joseon Dynasty

During the Joseon Dynasty, most of the people were servants and were bought and sold by brokers.It is a huge market, and it will not disappear easily under Japanese rule.Japan abolished the status system.In other words, it must have been quite troublesome to lose the broker's servant.The Japanese police at that time must have caught Japanese Military Sexual Slavery several times for illegally mediating.

What would happen if such organizations were linked to the anti-Japanese movement and Japanese Military Sexual Slavery business?What if a large amount of foreign currency is introduced into Korea from women working abroad through brokers to build a statue of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery and if that money to use for promotion of anti-Japanese propaganda?It is also a place to hide that continues to make a fuss about Japan decades ago and incites public opinion that it is worse.

It is surprising that the modern version of the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery problem does not generate any social interest even if it continues to condemn Japan, a country that has no hope of solving the problem.Moon Jae In, who is sensitive to women's rights, does not seem to be active in this issue.