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The president Moon Jae In's last resistance to the relocation of the president's office.cloud over election pledges.

2022-03-22  Category:South Korea

The president Moon Jae In's last resistance to the relocation of the president's office.cloud over election pledges.

Photo by by functoruser (licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

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The issue of relocating Cheong Wa Dae

They seem to be at odds over the relocation of the presidential office in South Korea.Yoon Seok-yeol, who is scheduled to become the next president in the presidential election, will not work at Cheong Wa Dae.He promised to relocate.The current Moon Jae In administration has made moving stop.Specifically, the government was about to start the relocation work after obtaining approval for the reserve fund expenditure at a Cabinet meeting scheduled for March 22, but it seems that it is not possible to obtain the reserve fund budget.The current presidential office Cheong Wa Dae said, "It is impossible to move the presidential office before the new administration takes office."Yoon Seok-yeol said, "If Moon Jae In refuses to cooperate on the most representative transition tasks, there is no way to enforce them."

Uncooperative for relocation Moon Jae In

Yoon Seok-yeol and the party "the power of the people" expressed their anger at President Moon, who said they could not agree to move the Ministry of National Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff due to security instability."The situation in which the president cannot enter the office and cannot be properly guarded will cause the security crisis of the Republic of Korea. Cheong Wa Dae's refusal to compile a budget on the grounds of a security vacuum is nothing more than a hindrance to the inauguration of the new government."

Is this a big problem in itself

After all, it seems that the plan to relocate Cheong Wa Dae on May 10, when the administration takes office, was unreasonable.Moon Jae In The administration seems to say that it is impossible to transfer security and Cheong Wa Dae functions by that date, and whether it is correct or not, the relocation of Cheong Wa Dae should have been done at the right time after taking office.In other words, the first item in the election pledge has already been nullified by the ruling party.At least where the presidential office is held is not a matter, and it seems to be nothing more than a dispute that lacks substance.


Mr. Yoon Seok-yeol also seems to have been a bit slow to read.The current president is a Democrat with 58 percent of the seats in the National Assembly.I don't think I can get their help.