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Lee Jae - myung, a South Korean presidential candidate, is frightened by the prosecution.An investigation battle that began before the election.

2022-01-25  Category:South Korea

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Presidential candidate afraid of arrest by prosecutors.

Meanwhile, Democratic Party presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung said yesterday, "If I lose this time, I will be sentenced to prison for making a crime."Lee said in a speech on the side road of Seokchon Lake in Songpa-gu, "The prosecution republic will be held.The fear of the prosecution republic is not just the sound of the wind, but the sound of the wind coming before us.It's really scary."

Suspicious Department Store.

Lee's eldest son (29) is suspected of gambling and buying money.Lee was found guilty of violating the public election law for making false statements about his brother's forced hospitalization after the 2018 governorial election.Despite the crisis of losing his job, the Supreme Court reversed his decision.The Supreme Court justice, who acquitted at the time, was found to have been an advisor to a company involved in the Daejang-dong scandal after retirement, raising suspicions that he had an affair with an actress and a criminal record of drunk driving.

The Public Prosecutor's Office is targeting candidates for enemy positions.

Under the Moon Jae In administration, a public investigation office was set up to separate the investigation of high-ranking government officials from the prosecution, but Moon Jae In was criticized for protecting itself by establishment this organization.Yoon criticized the prosecution for investigating Lee Jae-myung's rival, Yoon Seok-yeol, and even investigating his phone records.

Lee Jae-myung said he would be sent to prison if he lost the election, but the left-wing government wants to arrest Yoon Seok-yeol by using the Public Prosecutors' Office.


He seems to be frightened by the fear that what he is trying to do will eventually come to himself.In Korean politics, retaliation using prosecution power is common.