Korea, where the government recognizes history, will not be revised even if new facts are discovered.
Category:South Korea
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History is modified by new facts
History is just a collection of cognition.History of the past is incorporated into history in accordance with the interpretation that it is the same with one sentence, one letter, and one word.It is impossible to prepare enough evidence in history to confirm the facts in the current trial.
History recognized as the past is corrected by newly discovered facts.It is a case in which conflicting statements are found in past views that have been found.Whenever new facts are discovered in historians' quest, historical cognition is corrected.
Secret information about the Pacific War will also be released one after another in the United States
In Japan, new facts have been discovered and history has been reviewed one after another.U.S. military information such as Hullnotes, which triggered the start of the Pacific War, has been released one after another after the deadline for confidentiality.As a result, the U.S. military's Sea of Japan chart, which is the basis for the start of the war and the dropping of atomic bombs, and the establishment of borders in Sea of Japan after the war, has been discovered and revised.
Korea's view of history will not change even if new facts emerge
How do you explain that the photo in the textbook, which was published as a forced work man in Korea, was found to be a Japanese working in a coal mine and canceled it?
King Gojong, for example, is said to have failed to sign the Japan-South Korea annexation treaty.What would happen if King Gojong found a new note saying he was in favor of the annexation treaty?Will Korea correct history?
If the Japanese government is to be found guilty of the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery issue, it must at least present substantiable evidence under current law.It is evidence to support when, who, how, and in what way.There is no such evidence and is sentenced only by testimony .
A surprising bill banning historical amendments
History is like a creature that is constantly examined, supplemented, and corrected within the bounds of academic freedom.Therefore, it is impossible for the government or the judiciary to determine history.
The "no distortion of history " and "pro-Japanese praise ban " proposed in South Korea are laws that do not change the history of Koreans being enslaved under Japanese rule and prohibit the development of the Korean Peninsula under Japanese rule.
In other words, the legislature is submitting legislation that restricts freedom of speech and suppresses academic freedom.
POINT Historical problems are basically problems between historians.The government of that time cannot recognize history.
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While watching YouTube videos about Sichuan cuisine, I suddenly noticed the controversy surrounding the origin of kimchi, which is based on Sichuan's foamed vegetables. I used to think that Sichuan cuisine was spicy because spices from western countries such as India and Pakistan were introduced, but chili peppers are native to South America, so chili peppers probably didn't exist in China.
There is a theory that it was brought to Japan when guns were introduced, or that it was brought by missionaries, but it seems that it was brought to the Korean peninsula during Hideyoshi's Bunroku and Keicho campaigns. It was the end of the 16th century. So I researched when chili peppers were introduced to Sichuan, and found that it was in the 17th century, at the end of the Ming Dynasty. I'm not sure when chili peppers began to be used in Awa Nai or Korean kimchi, but it would be a mistake to say that the current kimchi made with chili peppers originated in Sichuan Province.
If that's the case, there must be a culture of foamed vegetables using chili peppers all over China, or even on land routes to Beijing. Chinese historical debates tend to be like this. China's 3,000 years will turn into its 4,000 years the next day, but there are no excavations that have spread its culture geographically. It ends with a dot. Culture is transmitted through people as a medium.
Incidentally, as part of its national strategy, China claims that ginseng is many times more superior to Korean ginseng, and supports vast fields of ginseng. This is an economic revitalization project for the underdeveloped and ethnically diverse Yunnan province.
By the way, when I looked into the origin of chili peppers, I found that there is a record that it dates back to 6000 BC in Mexico. A little respect for Mexican chili peppers would end this debate.
processing trade What is the problem with Korea's trade deficit with Japan?The center of the Korean economy is processing trade.In other words, even if raw materials are purchased from Japan, they are sold to third countries with added value due to commercialization, so they are recorded as GDP in Korea.In other words, it's just added value and passed through.It may be trade deficit for example agricultural products imported from Japan and consumed in Korea are known, but they do not know what is wrong with processing trade.
If the cost of raw materials imported from Japan exceeds 50 percent of the cost of the product, Korea's added value will be less than 50 percent.However, this is not a trade deficit, but a cost management issue.In the first place, products that cost more than 50% of raw materials in the manufacturing industry it would hard to exist for lack of competitiveness.
Korea wants Japan to buy more products made from Japanese raw materials because of the trade deficit, but this is also meaningless.If Korea adds value to the cost of Japanese raw materials and Japan buys them, Japan will buy back the raw materials it sells, so there is no profit for Japan .This is not the cause of the trade deficit, but the competitiveness in the Japanese market.
Moon Jae In is a man who doesn't make no sense.
According to a Korean public opinion poll, the support rates for political parties are 42.4% for both opposition parties, and 39.6% for People's Power.The general election will be held this year.
According to a Korean Realmeter opinion poll conducted in the fourth and fifth weeks of March 2020, the party support rate was 44.6% for the Democratic Party of Korea, and 30.0% for the United Future Party, the predecessor of People's Power. The Realmeter survey results announced on the 15th of this month show that the Democratic Party is 42.4%, and the People's Power is 39.6%.Although the gap has narrowed, the Democratic Party's approval rating has fallen by only 2.2 points. do not have.
In the 2020 survey, 55.7% approved of Moon Jae-in, and in the current survey, 36.3% approved of President Yoon Seok-Yeol. Interpreting these figures literally, expectations for the power of the people in the legislature have increased, but the support rate for the Democratic Party has remained almost unchanged. Both parties are members of the Democratic Party, whose party is led by Lee Jae-myung, who miraculously survived the assassination that everyone thought was a farce and was discharged from the hospital after a long hospitalization. Lee Jae-myung is currently being indicted by prosecutors.
These Democratic Party supporters can be seen as a rock-solid support group that will continue to support any party leader no matter what. Are these people who make a living through trade with China, and whose livelihoods are directly connected to their support for China? South Korea's trade dependence is 81.9% of GDP. The pro-Japanese and pro-American and pro-China and pro-North Korean compositions were one of the themes brought to light by Moon Jae-in, who stirred up the No Japan movement, but the essential issue is the economy. How far has the withdrawal from China's economy progressed?
In the Facebook group of the author who co-authored ``Anti-Japanese Tribalism,'' it is clear that the number of posters and viewers has decreased dramatically since Yun Seok-yeo became president. Is it because the No Japan movement has subsided? In that case, would those people have been better off if the No Japan movement had disappeared? I wonder how many people out there just wish they could drink Japanese beer. In other words, were the pro-Japanese simply rebelling against the intense anti-Japanese movements that were taking place? At least what we can say is that the power of pro-China, pro-North Korean forces does not seem to be weakening.
If we go into the 2024 general election in this state, there is a high possibility that the Democratic Party will once again control the largest number of seats. If this is the case, the Yun Seok-Yue administration will be run in a twisted manner throughout his term. Anti-Japanese issues are also legal issues. South Korea is a country with no anti-Japanese convictions. Since the Democratic Party is the most powerful party in both countries, it is difficult to bring about social change through legislation, and there is a high possibility that an anti-Japanese leftist president will be elected again in the next presidential election.
What has clearly changed due to the Japan - Korea issue - It is the Japanese sentiment toward Korea and the perception of Korea - It is not easy to overturn this.
What kind of Japan-Korea relations will the new South Korean government build in the future? Since it is the administration after the Moon Jae-in administration, we must see a completely different point from other administrations. It is different from the Kim Dae Jung administration and the Park Geun-hye administration. The biggest difference is the Japanese national sentiment. Since the 1998 Japan-Korea Joint Declaration, the Japan-Korea World Cup has been held, and the Japanese have supported the success of this soccer tournament. What was introduced in Japan during this period was Korea with a good image. It is a Korean drama and K-POP. Of course, this is a creative and fictional world of entertainment, but many Korean fans were born in Japan, and this played a role of friendship between Japan and South Korea to a certain extent. However, what Moon Jae-in revealed was the exact opposite of South Korea, which is completely different from these. It is the earnest desire of the Korean people to pray for the destruction of Japan.
The setting of the target point to return to the 1998 Japan-Korea Joint Declaration set by President-elect Yoon Seok-you should be evaluated to a certain extent. With the joint declaration of Keizo Obuchi and Kim Dae Jung, Japan-South Korea relations should have taken a normal direction. Then why couldn't we walk that way? This is an issue. In other words, Japan moved forward in line with the declaration, but South Korea retreated. Why is this? We have to think about this problem right now. If this is misunderstood, future negotiations between Japan and South Korea will not proceed well. On the contrary, not only the Korean government but also the Kishida administration will be blown away in an instant. China will be staring at it.
History must probably repeat itself if the core issues disappear as a result of the long-lasting stress of the change of government from the left-wing South Korean government. It should be back in 1965, or maybe 100 years ago. At least in 1965, Japan and South Korea solved the problem comprehensively in the efforts of both countries. Japan and South Korea have reached an agreement for the future in Asia, which is suffering from postwar reconstruction that is incomparably difficult due to the current friction between Japan and South Korea.
Taiwan and South Korea, which have experienced Japanese rule, will continue in parallel forever.
Parallel worlds are hypotheses in science fiction and quantum mechanics, not proven stories.However, if you look at the difference between Taiwan and Korea, it looks like a parallel world.At some point in the parallel world, two pasts are born.The branches do not intersect, but are positively parallel worlds that will last forever.
Taiwan was incorporated into Japan after the Sino-Japanese War and came under Japanese rule.It lasted 50 years from 1895 to 1945, longer than the Korean Peninsula.The annexation of Japan and South Korea lasted from 1910 to 1945.Taiwan continues to thank Japan for its development under Japanese rule, saying, "Taiwan's national character and independence have been learned from Japan."In the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake, it was also the world's largest donor country.
It is said that South Korea was trampled down by Japan, Japanese comfort woman was used as sexual slavery, and recruiters were like slaves, and most of the Koreans were slaughtered by Japan.There are two worlds, the past.In this sense, Taiwan, the world's leading pro-Japanese country, and Korea, the world's leading anti-Japanese country, have emerged.The parallel world is now underway in East Asia.Of course, Japan is in the same space-time as Taiwan.Does this mean that space and time do not intersect?
Korea criticizes Japan for not learning history, but many countries in Asia appreciate Japanese rule.