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South Korea's Next Presidential Candidate "I Love the Japanese People" and Continuous Anti - Japanese Remarks.

2021-11-30  Category:South Korea

South Korea's Next Presidential Candidate

Photo by 고려 (licensed under CC BY 4.0)

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Presidential candidate's historical understanding that he loves the Japanese people

Lee Jae-myung, a candidate running for South Korea's next presidential election, said on November 25th, ``I love the Japanese people and respect their civility,'' and added, ``Japan invaded South Korea and attacked dozens of people. "He has a history of dominating and expropriating Korea for many years." "He is still dreaming of becoming a military power and is provoking that Dokdo, which South Korea effectively controls, is his own territory. He is also clear about historical issues. It doesn't seem like he is sincerely remorseful, so of course I'm worried."


Lee Jae-myung, an anti-Japanese force who said he loves the Japanese people. What followed was a series of incoherent statements.

History is a matter of the past. Japan-Korea relations are an ongoing issue

First of all, he does not seem to understand the root of the current problems in Japan-Korea relations. This is not a historical issue from the beginning. The problem is that South Korea was taking advantage of its position as a friendly country and taking advantage of its position as a white country to divert strategic materials imported from Japan that require strict control to third countries. .

Then there is the issue of the state of the abrogation of the claims agreement, which is the basis of Japan-South Korea diplomatic relations, by reviving individual claims and issuing compensation orders to the Japanese government and Japanese companies in domestic courts. Without understanding that this is not a problem of the past but an ongoing one, saying that we love the Japanese people will not improve Japan-Korea relations.

Japan-Korea relations can no longer be substantially restored

The five years of Moon Jae-in created an irreparable rift in Japan-Korea relations. Do they think that if the anti-Japanese mood as a national sentiment subsides, things will be manageable on the surface? Japan has given up on relations with South Korea due to anti-Japanese activities since Moon Jae-in took office, and has continued to build relations with other neighboring countries.

Commitments and work with his new partner are occurring one after another. If you don't fully understand these things, you'll just think it's a childish and shallow idea.


Japan has been putting up with South Korea for many years, but since it was excluded from the white list, it has created partners other than South Korea. Will South Korea ever return to being our most important neighbor?