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Bella Poarch battle against Korean.

2020-09-29  Category:South Korea

Bella Poarch battle against Korean.

Photo by VOGUE Taiwan (licensed under CC BY 3.0)

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It looks like you're still in a fight with the Filipinos. Koreans attacked Bella Poarch all at once, alleging that the tattoo of the selfie image that Bella Poarch surrendered to Instagram was reminiscent of the Rising Sun Flag. Bella Poarch, who once apologized, later said, "I can't afford to insult not only me but other Filipinos," and it seems to be heating up even more. The concern is that the Philippines is a gun society. The homicide rate is 25 times that of Japan. I heard that many Koreans study English in the Philippines, but is that okay? Are you trying to see if Korean common sense is universal?

The Japanese Navy is promoting military cooperation, such as dispatching destroyers and submarines to the waters of the Philippines and Japan's cooperation in the redevelopment of the former US Navy base. Do you think the Philippines will deny the Rising Sun Flag? Well, please do your best.