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His Majesty the Emperor visited Saipan

2021-06-27  Category:South Korea

His Majesty the Emperor visited Saipan

Photo by Abasaa (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Korean organizations opposed to Emperor Akihito's visit to Saipan

In 2005, the Emperor and Empress visited Saipan to pay their respects to the war dead.In response, a protest demonstration was held by a Korean group.It seems to be the idea that the Emperor's memorial service for the war dead is the revival of militarism.

Angered by the movement, Saipan residents shouted, "If Koreans protest against the Emperor, let's boycott Korean companies," and John Blanco urged native Chamoros and Carolina residents to boycott Korean companies if Koreans hold scheduled protests next Tuesday.Nevertheless, the Saipan Korean Association spread out banners and staged a demonstration demanding an apology from the Emperor.


The Japanese probably don't understand the idea that visiting the memorial is the revival of militarism.It was the same for Saipans.

Angry Chamoros

An old Chamorro woman rose to her feet."How rude of the Emperor to come to the memorial service!I won't forgive you!" he exasperated, "You guys get out of Saipan."Don't do anything selfish on our island," he told local residents and the media one after another.As a result, many Chamoros supported the demonstration, and it developed into a huge demonstration to welcome the Emperor.

It was the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II, when the Emperor and Empress visited Saipan with a warm welcome on June 27th and 28th.


Korea justifies anti-Japanese demonstrations regardless of where they are.Saipan residents got angry at this and developed into a welcome demonstration for the Emperor.